Congratulations to Josh Markum, Carlynn Forst, Simon Deke and Ray Lehnhoff, four students from the Office of Web and New Media that were selected as University Relations Student Employees of the Month. Josh Markum Josh was recognized the leadership he has provided for the Web Help Desk over the past several months, as well as […]
This post will give you step-by-step instructions on how to embed the videos from Inside Missouri State on your University web site. There are five marketing message videos, one for each of the first five sections of the site, as well as testimonial/spotlight videos that correspond to each marketing message on the left of these sections. You are free to include any of these videos on your University website.
Earlier this month, the University launched a microsite, Inside Missouri State, that correlates with the Undergraduate Admissions Guide. This was a collaborative project between the Offices of Admissions, Web and New Media and Publications. A few highlights: This new site is meant to be a standalone, self-contained microsite. It’s like a advertisement about Missouri State. […]
Since I’ve already had requests, I thought I’d post a summary of my workshop from HighEdWeb 08 along with the materials for those who couldn’t be there. From the packed house and all the followup questions, it’s pretty clear that there is a high degree of interest in this subject. About RQL RQL is an […]