The RedDot plugin for TinyMCE has been updated. This version is a maintenance update only, but contains several minor bug fixes. See for full details.
It’s been over a year since the last update of TinyMCE for RedDot CMS. I’ve finally completed work on the next major update and it includes several bug fixes and changes: Fixed a major bug in the code cleanup routine. The editor is now much more tightly coupled to the Text Editor Settings in the […]
After getting pulled in different directions for a while, I was able to come back and work on TinyMCE. I upgraded the integration to pull the permissions for the text element via an AJAX call which was one of the last major hurdles to supporting in-line editing (see The other hurdle was what to […]
We’ve entered the final stages of testing of the TinyMCE editor in RedDot. I decided to go ahead and provide a distribution so that those of you chomping at the bit can test it out for yourself. Before you get too excited, the edit in place functionality I previously wrote about is not included. Don’t […]
This is a follow-up to a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago. You can catch up at Two weeks into the project, I’ve got linking and images integrated with the asset manager. After a couple of frustrating tries, I took a radically new approach to Edit via Form and it’s working charmingly […]