During the last weekend of October, ten members of the Missouri State University Cattlemen’s Association traveled to Journagan Ranch to learn about the resources at the off-campus farm. Marty Lueck is the Journagan Ranch Manager and served as the professional hayride operator and tour guide during the visit.
Throughout the ride, Marty shared about the numerous benefits that are offered at the ranch. This includes the cross-fencing additions, Journagan’s watering system, aspects of the controlled burns, and much more. The farm workers who work at Journagan Ranch fed the home-raised Hereford heifers during the visit. This provided a great view of this year’s additions to the herd at the ranch.
Kendra Betz is a senior at the Darr College of Agriculture and currently serves as the president for the MSU Cattlemen’s Association. When asked about her visit to Journagan Ranch, she happily replied, “Our
Cattlemen’s members had an amazing time at Journagan ranch! We enjoyed a hayride and hot coca while learning about the new practices Marty has implemented to improve the ranch. I encourage everyone to take advantage of any opportunity to head to Mountain Grove!”.
To round out the visit, members enjoyed a warm bonfire that was accompanied with hamburgers, hotdogs, and delicious smores. The members were thrilled to have the opportunity to learn more about the highly recognized ranch that is associated with Missouri State University.