Hey everyone! My name is Chase Kroner, and I am the Family Assistant for the SOAR program this year. I am so excited to get to work with the family members of new students coming to Missouri State as well as get to share some tips and advice with you all!

Isn’t it crazy that the semester is almost over, and we are starting to prepare for finals! I don’t know about you, but I am stoked for the Holidays this year.
But as the semester winds down it’s time to start thinking about next semester. I know, you want to enjoy your break before worrying about classes that haven’t started yet but winter break is such a great time to set your self up for success for the upcoming semester. While it is important to catch up on some sleep, spend time with your family, and see your friends while back home, there are also so many other things you can do to ease yourself into the semester.
1.) Creating a consistent routine – By creating a routine of healthy habits like going to bed early and waking up early, getting in some physical exercise, and eating healthy you are making it that much easier on yourself. Continuing these habits throughout the semester, especially if you have 8 a.m. classes, will really help you be successful.
2.) Emailing your professors to introduce yourself – If you email and introduce yourself to your professors, they are more likely to know you on the first day and remember you throughout the semester. This can be a wonderful thing especially if you end up needing an extension on an assignment or need help in the class.
3.) Walk your schedule – If you walk your schedule and find where all of your classrooms are this makes going to the first day of class so much less stressful. You won’t have to worry about finding the room or the seat you want to sit in the day of.
4.) Buy your books at the Missouri State Bookstore – If you buy your books ahead of time you are more likely to get every book you need. One less thing you have to worry about once classes start.
5.) Read the syllabus for each class and fill out your planner with the assignments for each class. This will not only help keep you organized and on task throughout the semester, but most professors ask you to read the syllabus before coming to the first day of class anyway.
6.) Set up and take care of any appointments you might need to take care of during winter break. Whether it’s a dentist appointment, a therapy appointment, or even getting your oil changed, get those set. If you can get these taken care of during winter break it is one less appointment you have to remember and work around during the semester.
I hope that these tips and tricks to setting yourself up for success are helpful to you. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the semester! Good luck and Go Bears!