With your student having been in college for about a month, you might be thinking about those panicked calls you are going to get from them, asking you to tell them what to do in a particular situation. First of all, remember, they are adults now so don’t tell them what to do, instead listen to their concerns and refer them to resources you know are available to your … [Read more...] about Pick Up the Phone and Call…Who?
Did you and/or your student enjoy the SOAR experience? Encourage your student to help future bears have a successful orientation by serving as SOAR Leaders. Top 3 reasons to be a SOAR Leader: 1. Building skills SOAR Leaders strengthen useful and highly-marketable skills through practical, real-world application. These skills include: Group discussion and … [Read more...] about Encourage your student to become a SOAR Leader!
Take a moment to get to know Abby Dunker, the new SOAR Family Assistant. Tell us about yourself. Hello! My name is Abby Dunker, and I am the Family Assistant for the SOAR program! I am from Creighton, Missouri and I am majoring in Health Services with a minor in Health Care Management. Additionally, I am a junior at MSU this year. In my free time I like to be in nature as … [Read more...] about Spotlight on Abby Dunker – SOAR Family Assistant
Students at MSU have access to a variety of free services at the Counseling Center, including workshops, skill-building groups, group therapy, free links to self-help tools and apps, after-hours crisis counseling, as well as individual therapy. To schedule an Initial Consultation with a case manager to discuss concerns and create a personalized care plan, students can call the … [Read more...] about Missouri State Counseling Center – Important information
Take a moment to get to know Cecy Zubia. Tell us about yourself. Hello! I am Cecy Zubia. I am originally from Northwest Arkansas, and yes, at heart I am a Hogs fan. When I am home in Arkansas, I live with my mom, little brother, and dog Gunter, also I have an older brother and sister. Coming from my Mexican heritage I am very family oriented person and with the beautiful, … [Read more...] about Student Spotlight – Cecy Zubia