Missouri State University faculty, staff, and students are invited to build their conflict and communication skills at the Center for Dispute Resolution’s “Campus Conflict Workshop Series.” This virtual series includes 1-hour noon workshops as well as longer “Deep Dive” sessions. All sessions are free for the campus community and focus on various aspects of communication and conflict management.
Pre-registration for noon sessions is not required, but we encourage you to RSVP to receive event reminders and resources in advance. All sessions qualify for Master Advisor credit. Join these workshop online or enter Zoom code 968 8659 7964.
Spring 2022 Noon Sessions
All 1-hour noon-time sessions qualify for Master Advisor credit. Pre-registration is not required for these free sessions (although RSVPs are encouraged), and anyone may attend.
De-escalation Strategies in Conflict
Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 12-1 p.m. via Zoom
Presented by Ms. Molly Grisham, Owner, Lead Your Life
Managing conflicts is challenging enough on its own, but communicating with someone who is emotionally triggered, upset, or angry can be especially difficult, stressful, and even scary. In this session we will explore de-escalation strategies you can use in conflict situations when emotions are running high. Learn how to manage your own emotions to keep your rational mind engaged, as well as techniques for calming the other person down so you can communicate effectively with them.
Managing Conflicts in Groups and Teams
Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 12-1 p.m. via Zoom
Presented by Dr. Carrisa Hoelscher, Assistant Professor, Department of COM, and Robbyn Rose, COM Master’s student
Productivity in teams requires collaboration, and when great minds come together, conflict is likely to result. At times this conflict is energizing, but when conflict gets out of hand the work (and everyone on the team) tends to suffer. This workshop will examine the common causes of conflict in teams and groups and explore how to manage conflict appropriately within the bounds of a cooperative team process.
Bullying in the Workplace
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 12-1 p.m. via Zoom
Presented by Dr. Stephen Spates, Assistant Professor, Department of COM
Bullying is common, often unrecognized, and damaging, and it impacts both workplace and campus settings. This session will discuss adult bullying behaviors, techniques for dealing with bullying, and prevention strategies.
Listening Skills to Improve Communication and Conflict Management
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 12-1 p.m. via Zoom
Presented by Mr. Jay Howard, Instructor, Department of COM
Most people think they are good listeners, but in truth few of us are. Listening is powerful skill that impacts our ability to communicate and to manage conflict, and developing this skill requires focus and practice. This session will explore the role of listening in conflict management and focus on how you can become a better listener.
Deep Dive Workshop: Using Circles to Encourage Dialogue and Build Community
Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. via Zoom
Presented by Dr. Charlene Berquist and Ms. Heather Blades
The “circle process” is a unique format for engaging with others. Join CDR Director Dr. Charlene Berquist and Associate Director Heather Blades to explore how circle processes allow for deep dialogue and help build community and enhance and strengthen connections between group members.
This interactive online workshop is free for Missouri State faculty, staff, and administrators, but seats are limited and pre-registration is required. This session is approved for Master Advisor credit.
Register Now for “Using Circles to Encourage Dialogue”
Missouri State faculty and staff—register now to attend this free Deep Dive workshop. Seating is limited, so reserve your spot now!