Students of today will become future leaders in engineering.
Many high school students with a passion for engineering begin exploring the field through the Greater Ozarks Centers for Advanced Professional Studies (GO CAPS).
The yearlong learning experience allows Springfield Public Schools juniors and seniors to develop real-world skills for their possible future careers.
Participants in the GO CAPS engineering and manufacturing track recently visited the College of Natural and Applied Sciences’ cooperative engineering program facilities at Missouri State University.
The recently constructed engineering spaces are located at the Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center.
Learn more about the engineering spaces’ recent dedication event

Dr. Rohit Dua, adjunct associate teaching professor, led lessons for the GO CAPS students.
Electrical engineering students Ryan Flynn and Michael Hardesty helped execute the laboratory exercises.

About the activities
Students from the GO CAPS engineering team first went through a hands-on laboratory exercise focused on measuring basic electrical parameters.
During the exercise, they learned how to measure the parameters of resistance, voltage and currents.
The students then explored use of circuits, including how resistance changes and voltage or current division takes place. They also learned about decimal to binary conversion for both unsigned and signed number domains.

The students’ visit ended with a demonstration of how to use a mini-deconstructed processor.
Participants observed how the processor executes machine-coded instructions. They also experimented with bike-powered generation of electricity.
The activities occurred during morning and afternoon sessions.

The day of hands-on learning served to further students’ understanding of electrical engineering.
It also showed the benefits of an engineering degree from the unique program and partnership between Missouri State and Missouri University of Science & Technology.
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