Faculty Accomplishments
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For more news of faculty/student accomplishments go to https://blogs.missouristate.edu/cnas-newswatch/
If you would like to see your event listed in the newswatch – please submit the basic details to your department head and they will forward it to Nicki Donnelson or Don Hendricks.
I have attached flyers for seminars to take place on September 28 and October 5 that you might find interesting. Both involve discussions of teaching and learning!
Oct 5 Flyer FSS_Seminar_Crandall
Other News!
On September 8, 2012 Abbe Ehlers (HRA) taught a benefit “yoga on the trail” on the old bridge over Lake Springfield to 90 people. This event raised over $1,500 for the Ozark Greenways! It was so fun and a great way to raise $$ for the Greenways trails system.
This summer Chris Barnhart and colleagues including former graduate student Megan Bradley taught a week-long course in Biology and Conservation of Freshwater Mussels for federal conservation professionals at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV.
Janice Greene and Diann Thomas led a study away tour to Yachana in August 2012.
Tom Tomasi led a field trip to the dessert over the summer of 2012.
Les Reid, Jorge Rebaza and Xingping Sun led a group of nine NSF-REU students over the summer as the students worked on research projects in mathematics.
Chris Barnhart gave a keynote presentation at the International Meeting on Biology and Conservation of Freshwater Bivalves in Braganza, Portugal.
Jacob Swett, 2012 graduate, is working for Lockheed Martin in California.
I have attached a summary of FY12 Grant Activity for the entire university and the list of funded proposals is below!
If you have led a trip, published an article, or observed an outstanding student working in your midst. Please share the stories!!!!Thank you for all you do for the students at Missouri State University!!! We truly have a special team.
College of Natural and Applied Sciences |
Cost Center Awarded: |
$3,379,390 |
SRP# |
P.I.s |
Unit |
Cost Center |
Agency |
Title |
Agency Type |
Use |
Funding |
11181 |
Rhodes, R | BIO | CNAS | U.S. Geological Survey | Phytoplankton Analyses at Selected Stations on Beaver Lake for 2010 and 2011 | Federal | Research |
$4,230 |
12017 |
Beckman, D | BIO | CNAS | City of Springfield, Mo | City of Springfield Biological Assessment of Urban Streams VII | City | Research |
$10,220 |
11118 |
Havel, J | BIO | CNAS | Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources | Tolerance of Air Exposure and its Impact on Dispersal of Aquatic Invasive Species | State | Research |
$11,170 |
12001 |
Robbins, L | BIO | CNAS | Sho-Me Power | Determination of Presence/Absence of Indiana Bats on a Proposed Transmission Line in Phelps County, MO, Known as Rolla South to Yancy Mills | Business | Service |
$15,000 |
12002 |
Robbins, L | BIO | CNAS | Sho-Me Power | Determination of Presence/Absence of Indiana Bats on a Proposed Transmission Line in Texas County, MO, Known as Mountain Grove North to Fairview | Business | Service |
$15,000 |
11001 |
Barnhart, C | BIO | CNAS | Missouri Department of Conservation | Assessment of Mussel Communities | State | Research |
$15,715 |
10090 |
Ligon, D | BIO | CNAS | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation | A Survey of Alligator Snapping Turtles and Other Turtle Species in Two Northeastern Oklahoma Rivers | State | Applied Research |
$21,696 |
12029 |
Barnhart, C | BIO | CNAS | Peoria Tribe of Indians | Peoria Tribe Staff Training for Freshwater Mussel Propagation | Business | Service |
$28,742 |
12070 |
Barnhart, C | BIO | CNAS | Marrone BioInnovations, Inc. | Testing for Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Zequanox Suspensions on Native Freshwater Mussels | Business | Research |
$40,946 |
07015 |
Mathis, A | BIO | CNAS | National Park Service | Fire Effects Monitoring in Central Great Plains NPS Units | Federal | Research |
$73,500 |
12133 |
Tomasi, T | BIO | CNAS | National Speleological Society | Ruth Seeliger/Gray Bat Monitoring | Non-Profit | Research |
$1,800 |
11080 |
Ligon, D | BIO | CNAS | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation | Habitat Restoration and Population Assessment of Chicken Turtles and Crawfish Frogs at Bohler Seeps and Sandhills Preserve, Atoka County, Oklahoma | State | Research |
$27,788 |
N/A |
Robbins, L | BIO | CNAS | N/A | 1st Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$1,000 |
N/A |
Robbins, L | BIO | CNAS | N/A | 2nd Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$861 |
N/A |
Robbins, L | BIO | CNAS | N/A | 3rd Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$3,373 |
12158 |
Ligon, D | BIO | CNAS | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service | Long Term Aquatic Turtle & Plant Community Trends at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge | Federal | Research |
$7,500 |
12160 |
Robbins, L | BIO | CNAS | Sho-Me Power | Habitat Suitability and Presence of Indiana Bats, Pulaski County, Missouri | Business | Research |
$14,835 |
12171 |
Robbins, L | BIO | CNAS | Sho-Me Power | Habitat Suitability and Presence of Indiana Bats in Webster County | Business | Research |
$17,007 |
12039 |
Leis, S | BIO | CNAS | Bureau of Land Management via Oklahoma State University | Coordinator Great Plains Fire Science Exchange | Federal | Service |
$150,985 |
12039 |
Mathis, A | BIO | CNAS | Bureau of Land Management via Oklahoma State University | Coordinator Great Plains Fire Science Exchange | Federal | Service |
$16,775 |
12164 |
Barnhart, C | BIO | CNAS | U.S. Geological Survey | Developing Methods for Laboratory Culture of Diverse Species of Freshwater Mussels | Federal | Research |
$39,950 |
12116 |
Havel, J | BIO | CNAS | Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources via the University of Wisconsin, Madison | A Field Test on the Effectiveness of Milfoil Weevil for Controlling Eurasian Water-milfoil in Northern Lakes | State | Research |
$24,323 |
12182 |
Barnhart, C | BIO | CNAS | Missouri Department of Conservation | Host Identification and Propagation of Ebonyshell Mussels (Fusconaia) | State | Student Support |
$12,000 |
N/A |
Robbins, L | BIO | CNAS | N/A | 4th Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$2,250 |
11146 |
Bowles, B | BSFS | CNAS | United States Environmental Protection Agency via Missouri Department of Natural Resources | Ozarks Springs Project | Federal | Education |
$6,913 |
12005 |
Greene, J | BSFS | CNAS | Greater Ozarks Audubon Society | GLADE – Green Leadership Academy for Diverse Ecosystems | Non-Profit | Education |
$15,400 |
12007 |
Bowles, B | BSFS | CNAS | USEPA via Oklahoma Water Resources Board via Oklahoma State University | Probabilistic Monitoring of Select Oklahoma Waterbodies – Phytoplankton Analysis | Federal | Service |
$22,720 |
12033 |
Cox, E | BSFS | CNAS | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency via Missouri Department of Natural Resources via Watershed Committee of the Ozarks | Springfield-Green County Urban Watershed Stewardship Project | Federal | Education |
$30,000 |
12003 |
Greene, J | BSFS | CNAS | NPS via CESU | Interpretataion and Communication of Ecological Monitoring in the NPS Heartland Network | Federal | Education |
$82,480 |
12003 |
Cox, E | BSFS | CNAS | NPS via CESU | Interpretataion and Communication of Ecological Monitoring in the NPS Heartland Network | Federal | Education |
$123,720 |
12102 |
Greene, J | BSFS | CNAS | Welder Wildlife Foundation | Fellowship Scholarship for Ashley Whaley | Non-Profit | Student Support |
$11,200 |
N/A |
Greene, J | BSFS | CNAS | N/A | 1st Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$2,060 |
N/A |
Greene, J | BSFS | CNAS | N/A | 2nd Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$2,703 |
N/A |
Greene, J | BSFS | CNAS | N/A | 3rd Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$535 |
12152 |
Greene, J | BSFS | CNAS | Greater Ozarks Audubon Society | GLADE – Green Leadership Academy for Diverse Ecosystems | Non-Profit | Education |
$14,800 |
08026 |
Greene, J | BSFS | CNAS | City of Springfield, Mo, Greene County, Watershed Committee of the Ozarks | Aquatic Education Specialist Position / Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) | City/County/Non-Profit | Education |
$20,000 |
N/A |
Greene, J | BSFS | CNAS | N/A | 4th Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$2,185 |
11112 |
Schick, A | CHEM | CNAS | National Science Foundation | MRI-RUI: Acquisition of a Micro-Raman-Photoluminescence Instrument for Materials-Related Research and Education | Federal | Equipment |
$39,177 |
11112 |
Wanekaya, A | CHEM | CNAS | National Science Foundation | MRI-RUI: Acquisition of a Micro-Raman-Photoluminescence Instrument for Materials-Related Research and Education | Federal | Equipment |
$39,177 |
12091 |
Kadnikov, D | CHEM | CNAS | American Heart Association | Molecular Mechanisms of Selective Activatio of Liver X Receptors | Non-Profit | Research |
$143,000 |
11130 |
Gerasimchuk, N | CHEM | CNAS | National Institutes of Health | Antibacterial Effect of New Class of Visible Light Insensitive Silver(I) Complexes. Adhesion and Biofilm Study” | Federal | Research |
$396,264 |
12092 |
Jahnke, T | CNAS | CNAS | Missouri Department of Higher Education | Missouri Innovation Academy | State | Education/Student Support |
$50,000 |
12011 |
May, D | CRPM | CNAS | U.S. Department of Transportation via MODOT | FY12 Transportation Work Programs | Federal | Service |
$3,330 |
12032 |
Hood, J | CRPM | CNAS | Polk County, Missouri | Polk County Enhanced Enterprise Zone Application | County | Service |
$6,000 |
12065 |
Wittorff-Sandgren, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri Office of Homeland Security | Southwest Missouri Council of Governments FY11 Homeland Security Work Program | State | Service |
$10,000 |
12065 |
May, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri Office of Homeland Security | Southwest Missouri Council of Governments FY11 Homeland Security Work Program | State | Service |
$10,000 |
12047 |
May, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri Office of Homeland Security | 2011 Regional Homeland Security Grant | State | Equipment |
$15,995 |
11116 |
Cheek, W | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri Department of Economic Development | 2010 Disaster Grant Application, Land Use Planning | State | Service |
$46,762 |
11116 |
Faucett, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri Department of Economic Development | 2010 Disaster Grant Application, Land Use Planning | State | Service |
$46,763 |
12011 |
Watts, D | CRPM | CNAS | U.S. Department of Transportation via MODOT | FY12 Transportation Work Programs | Federal | Service |
$63,270 |
11116 |
May, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri Department of Economic Development | 2010 Disaster Grant Application, Land Use Planning | State | Service |
$93,525 |
12047 |
Wittorff-Sandgren, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri Office of Homeland Security | 2011 Regional Homeland Security Grant | State | Equipment |
$303,906 |
12098 |
Hood, J | CRPM | CNAS | Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce | Economic Development Services-Cost of Living Index Price Report | City | Service |
$1,000 |
12043 |
May, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri Office of Administration | Southwest Missouri Council of Governments FY2012 Development Grant | State | Research |
$4,551 |
12119 |
Watts, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri Department of Transportation | Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan Update for Southwest Missouri Council of Governments | State | Research |
$23,750 |
12119 |
May, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri Department of Transportation | Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan Update for Southwest Missouri Council of Governments | State | Research |
$1,250 |
12131 |
Faucett, D | CRPM | CNAS | Shell Knob Special Road District | Shell Knob Special Road District NHMP Addition | City | Service |
$2,865 |
12124 |
May, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri State Emergency Management Agency | Stone County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2012 | State | Research |
$11,000 |
12124 |
Faucett, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri State Emergency Management Agency | Stone County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2012 | State | Research |
$11,000 |
12128 |
Faucett, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri State Emergency Management Agency | Taney County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2012 | State | Research |
$11,000 |
12128 |
May, D | CRPM | CNAS | Missouri State Emergency Management Agency | Taney County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2012 | State | Research |
$11,000 |
12150 |
Wittorff-Sandgren, D | CRPM | CNAS | Shell Knob Special Road District | Shell Knob Special Road District HMGP Grant Writing | City | Service |
$3,495 |
N/A |
May, D | CRPM | CNAS | N/A | 1st Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$880 |
N/A |
May, D | CRPM | CNAS | N/A | 3rd Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$26,051 |
12056 |
Mickus, K | GGP | CNAS | City of Springfield, Mo | GPR Study of Hazelwood Cemetary | City | Service |
$4,000 |
09030 |
Pavlowsky, R | GGP | CNAS | City of Springfield, Mo | Springfield MS4/TMDL Monitoring Project | City | Service |
$28,033 |
08151 |
Rovey, C | GGP | CNAS | United States Department of Energy via City Utilities of Springfield | Carbon Sequestration | Federal | Service |
$29,040 |
08151 |
Plymate, T | GGP | CNAS | United States Department of Energy via City Utilities of Springfield | Carbon Sequestration | Federal | Service |
$29,040 |
08151 |
Gouzie, D | GGP | CNAS | United States Department of Energy via City Utilities of Springfield | Carbon Sequestration | Federal | Service |
$29,920 |
12056 |
Mickus, K | GGP | CNAS | City of Springfield, Mo | GPR Study of Hazelwood Cemetary | City | Service |
$500 |
12083 |
Black, A | GGP | CNAS | Missouri Department of Higher Education | Early Elementary Environmental Education – A Field Based Approach | State | Education |
$41,415 |
12068 |
Evans, K | GGP | CNAS | U.S. Geological Survey – EDMAP | Structural and Strtigraphic Evolution of the Southern Margin of Laurentia: Geologic Mapping of the Jane 7.5-minute Quadrangle | Federal | Research |
$9,206 |
12068 |
Mickus, K | GGP | CNAS | U.S. Geological Survey – EDMAP | Structural and Strtigraphic Evolution of the Southern Margin of Laurentia: Geologic Mapping of the Jane 7.5-minute Quadrangle | Federal | Research |
$485 |
12023 |
Reid, L | MATH | CNAS | National Science Foundation | Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Mathematics at Missouri State University | Federal | Education/Research |
$31,857 |
12023 |
Rebaza, J | MATH | CNAS | National Science Foundation | Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Mathematics at Missouri State University | Federal | Education/Research |
$31,857 |
12023 |
Sun, X | MATH | CNAS | National Science Foundation | Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Mathematics at Missouri State University | Federal | Education/Research |
$31,857 |
12082 |
Plymate, L | MATH | CNAS | Missouri Department of Higher Education | Transforming Mathematics Instruction Using Inquiry and One-to-One Environments (TRIM I+121) | State | Education |
$114,079 |
08168 |
Pavlowsky, R | OEWRI | CNAS | City of Battlefield | James River MS4/TMDL Monitoring Project | City | Service |
$3,000 |
08168 |
Pavlowsky, R | OEWRI | CNAS | Christian County | James River MS4/TMDL Monitoring Project | County | Service |
$3,000 |
08168 |
Pavlowsky, R | OEWRI | CNAS | City of Ozark | James River MS4/TMDL Monitoring Project | City | Service |
$3,000 |
08168 |
Pavlowsky, R | OEWRI | CNAS | City of Nixa | James River MS4/TMDL Monitoring Project | City | Service |
$3,000 |
08168 |
Pavlowsky, R | OEWRI | CNAS | Greene County | James River MS4/TMDL Monitoring Project | County | Service |
$8,000 |
12176 |
Pavlowsky, R | OEWRI | CNAS | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency via James River Basin Partnership | James River Bank Erosion 319 Assessment Project | Federal | Research |
$8,399 |
12185 |
Pavlowsky, R | OEWRI | CNAS | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency via James River Basin Partnership | Pearson Creek 319 Water Quality Monitoring Project | Federal | Research |
$60,060 |
12175 |
Pavlowsky, R | OEWRI | CNAS | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency via Greene County Soil and Water District | Sample Analysis and Nonpoint Loads for the Asher Creek 319 Project (List as “Asher Creek 319”) | Federal | Service |
$34,740 |
11112 |
Mayanovic, R | PAMS | CNAS | National Science Foundation | MRI-RUI: Acquisition of a Micro-Raman-Photoluminescence Instrument for Materials-Related Research and Education | Federal | Equipment |
$39,177 |
11112 |
Ghosh, K | PAMS | CNAS | National Science Foundation | MRI-RUI: Acquisition of a Micro-Raman-Photoluminescence Instrument for Materials-Related Research and Education | Federal | Equipment |
$39,177 |
11112 |
Gupta, R | PAMS | CNAS | National Science Foundation | MRI-RUI: Acquisition of a Micro-Raman-Photoluminescence Instrument for Materials-Related Research and Education | Federal | Equipment |
$39,177 |
11112 |
Dong, L | PAMS | CNAS | National Science Foundation | MRI-RUI: Acquisition of a Micro-Raman-Photoluminescence Instrument for Materials-Related Research and Education | Federal | Equipment |
$39,177 |
11112 |
Mitra, S | PAMS | CNAS | National Science Foundation | MRI-RUI: Acquisition of a Micro-Raman-Photoluminescence Instrument for Materials-Related Research and Education | Federal | Equipment |
$39,177 |
11112 |
Yan, H | PAMS | CNAS | National Science Foundation | MRI-RUI: Acquisition of a Micro-Raman-Photoluminescence Instrument for Materials-Related Research and Education | Federal | Equipment |
$39,177 |
11112 |
Kahol, P | PAMS | CNAS | National Science Foundation | MRI-RUI: Acquisition of a Micro-Raman-Photoluminescence Instrument for Materials-Related Research and Education | Federal | Equipment |
$39,177 |
09057 |
Mayanovic, R | PAMS | CNAS | United States Department of Energy via Carnegie Institution of Washington | In-Situ Investigations of Materials Under Extreme Conditions in Supercritical Acqueous Fluids | Federal | Basic Research |
$85,000 |
12044 |
Redd, E | PAMS | CNAS | National Science Foundation | Super-Turing Computation and Brain-Like Intelligence | Federal | Research |
$71,067 |
N/A |
Corneilson, D | PAMS | CNAS | N/A | 2nd Quarter B Account Income | Other | Service |
$5,968 |
12151 |
Reed, M | PAMS | CNAS | NASA via Missouri S and T | Missouri Space Grant Consortium | Federal | Research |
$41,000 |
10075 |
Reed, M | PAMS | CNAS | National Science Foundation | RUI: Asteroseismology of Pulsating Subdwarf B Stars via Observational Mode Identification and Modeling | Federal | Research/Student Support |
$131,241 |
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