The Department of Hospitality and Restaurant Administration is changing its name to Department of Hospitality Leadership. Click for the article from Inside Missouri State.
Former students receive Teacher of the Year nominations
Two former CNAS students, Keith Stevenson (geology) and Adrienne Deckard (biology), were nominated for the 2016 Regional Teacher of the Year by the COE Leadership Council. Stevenson (Lutie RVI) and Deckard (Springfield schools) were two of ten total teachers nominated, three of which will go to the state level. An upcoming event on Sep 12 at 6 p.m. in the Crystal Room of Kentwood Hall will make the nominations official and celebrate the teachers.
Upcoming: MSU American Chemical Society at Discovery Center
The MSU American Chemical Society will be at the Discovery Center of Springfield on Sep 10 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. to answer questions and perform chemistry demonstrations. Students and faculty that show their MSU ID at the front desk will receive a $6 group admission rate for adults.
- Chris Barnhart – Congratulations on the continuation of your project with the Presidio Trust for Mountain Lake Anodonta Propagation!
- Jason Ray – Congratulations on your award with MACOG for the CDBG disaster supplemental!
- Erica Cox and Janice Greene – Congratulations on your award through the City of Springfield and Greene County for water education programs!
Student Resources page on the CNAS website is being updated regularly. Check it out and forward to your students.
Study groups are forming for several CNAS classes. If you there are students in your class who would like some help in joining/organizing a study group, contact Associate Dean Jorge Rebaza.
September 1 MSU Football Game – Tailgating starts at 3 PM and the game starts at 6 PM. Parking Lot 4 is closed beginning at 6 AM on September 1. All classes that meet in Plaster Stadium after 2 PM have been moved to other buildings. All classes will meet on Thursday!
The following buildings will be locked down beginning at 3 PM on Thursday – TEMPLE, KEMPER, and PUMMILL HALLS. If you need access to Pummill Hall, there will be an officer at the door with a class list to let students and faculty into the building. If you or your students need access to Temple Hall or Kemper Hall, use the BearPass card readers. All students in classes on Thursday have been programmed into the system for that day only. In addition there will be officers inside Temple Hall with class lists to help students get into the building for their classes.
Citizen Scholar Award Nominations
Nominations due by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 15. Nomination packet available from the Citizen Scholar homepage and submit it to the Office of Student Affairs. Please be sure to read the “Criteria for Consideration and Selection” sheet, and provide sufficient details in your submission.
All faculty hired from 2002 to the present have been placed into CURP (see HR link and Faculty Handbook sections below). After six years faculty can choose to switch to MOSERS. If you are a faculty member hired since 2002 please ask questions, speak with your accountant and look into this opportunity. Please note section III of the benefit summary from Human Resources.
ICYMI (in case you missed it) …
- Adam Wanekaya is featured in the current Mind’s Eye.
Faculty Development
- Faculty Research Grants It is the responsibility of the applicant to deliver the completed proposal (and have it signed by department head and dean before making copies and sending it to Graduate College). Applicants must make seven copies of the signed original and get them to the Graduate College (CAR 306) by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the deadline for distribution to the Faculty Grants Committee. The fall deadline is Monday, October 3.
- Summer Fellowships It is the responsibility of the applicant to deliver the completed Summer Faculty Fellowship application (and have it signed by department head and dean before making copies and sending it to Graduate College). Applicants must make seven copies of the signed original and get them to the Graduate College (Carrington 306) by the deadline. The application deadline for a Summer Faculty Fellowship is Monday, October 31.
- Sabbaticals It is the responsibility of the applicant to deliver an electronic original of the completed application to their College Dean’s Office by no later than Monday, October 31.
Sep 6 College Council meets in Temple 156
Sep 7 MTH/KME picnic, 5:00, Phelps Grove park
Sep 10 Ozarks Mini Maker Faire – tickets required
Sep 12-19 Public Affairs Week
Sep 18 BIO Picnic & Scholarship reception, 12:00-4:00, Springfield Lake
Sep 20 CNAS Public lecture series – Dr. Dean Cuebas, 7:00-8:00, Temple 001
Sep 24 Fall Showcase
Sep 26 State of the University Address, 12:15 PM, PSU Theatre
Sep 27-29 Fall Academic Integrity Days
Sep 28 Majors Fair
Sep 28 STEM Lecture at Library Center – Dr. Paul Schweiger, 7:00-8:00
Oct 15 Homecoming 2016!
Oct 21-22 Tri-State Water Coalition meeting, Darr Ag Center: click for info
Nov 7 CNAS STEM Career Discovery Expo (4-6 PM)
Dec 16 Fall Commencement
- Tune in every Thursday morning at 9:45 AM for 5-minute STEM SPOTS on KSMU hosted by Dr. David Cornelison.
- Check out CNAS blog and CNAS NewsWatch for more information.
- CNAS NEWS posted by University Communications –
As always, please submit items for the next CNAS NEWS!
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