- Citizen Scholar Award Nominations: Nominations due by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 15. Nomination packet available from the Citizen Scholar homepage and submit it to the Office of Student Affairs. Please be sure to read the “Criteria for Consideration and Selection” sheet, and provide sufficient details in your submission.
- Faculty Research Grants It is the responsibility of the applicant to deliver the completed proposal (and have it signed by department head and dean before making copies and sending it to Graduate College). Applicants must make seven copies of the signed original and get them to the Graduate College (CAR 306) by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the deadline for distribution to the Faculty Grants Committee. The fall deadline is Monday, October 3.
The Department of Hospitality and Restaurant Administration has changed its name to Department of Hospitality Leadership.
Former students receive Teacher of the Year nominations
Two former CNAS students, Keith Stevenson (geology) and Adrienne Deckard (biology), were nominated for the 2016 Regional Teacher of the Year by the COE Leadership Council. Stevenson (Lutie RVI) and Deckard (Springfield schools) were two of ten total teachers nominated, three of which will go to the state level. An event tonight, Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. in the Crystal Room of Kentwood Hall will make the nominations official and celebrate the teachers.
Student Resources page on our website is being updated to get ready for the fall. Check it out and forward to your students.
Study groups have formed for several CNAS classes. If you there are students in your class who would like some help in organizing a study group, contact Associate Dean Jorge Rebaza.
Women in STEM Event on September 23
All faculty hired from 2002 to the present have been placed into CURP (see HR link and Faculty Handbook sections below). After six years faculty can choose to switch to MOSERS. If you are a faculty member hired since 2002, please ask questions, speak with your accountant, and look into this opportunity. Please note section III (page 7) of the following information from Human Resources –
ICYMI (in case you missed it) …
- Adam Wanekaya is featured in the current Mind’s Eye.
- Jason Ray is named new director of CRPM. Congratulations, Jason!
- Article with video from Dr. Michelle Bowe – What kind of tree is that? The Ozarks are well-known for their lush forests and beautiful landscapes. But, have you ever wondered the names of certain trees? There are several easy identifying marks you can use to figure it out. “Once you have a leaf, the next step is figuring out if it is simple or compound,” said Dr. Michelle Bowe, senior instructor of biology at Missouri State University. “If they’re simple, that means they have only one blade, but if they’re compound they have more than one blade.” From there, you’ll look at the shape of the leaf. Is it heart-shaped? Does it have teeth around the edges? Questions like these can help you identify the type of tree.
- Members of Dr. Alicia Mathis’ (Department of Biology) research lab made several presentations at the national meeting of the Animal Behavior Society in Columbia, Missouri, this summer. Dr. Mathis also made a presentation at the Highlands Conference on Plethodontid Salamander Biology in North Carolina. Here’s a picture of the entire MSU group, including three alumni, who attended the conference.
Back row: Justin Shew (alumnus), Adam Crane (alumnus), Dr. Mathis, Whitney Heuring (alumna).
Front row: Katie Gardner (undergraduate), Ben Dalton (staff), Paige Farmer (undergraduate), Sarah Heimbach, Colton Lynn
Faculty Development
- Summer Fellowships It is the responsibility of the applicant to deliver the completed Summer Faculty Fellowship application (and have it signed by department head and dean before making copies and sending it to Graduate College). Applicants must make seven copies of the signed original and get them to the Graduate College (Carrington 306) by the deadline. The application deadline for a Summer Faculty Fellowship is Monday, October 31.
- Sabbaticals It is the responsibility of the applicant to deliver an electronic original of the completed application to their College Dean’s Office by no later than Monday, October 31.
Academic Program Review – This year the departments of chemistry and mathematics are working on self-study documents which are due in May of 2017.
- GGP External Reviews will be on campus October 23-25, 2016.
- PAMS External Reviewers will be on campus November 6-8, 2016.
Click here for the Academic Work Calendar.
Sept 12-19 Public Affairs Week
Sept 18 BIO Picnic & Scholarship reception, 12:00-4:00, Springfield Lake
Sept 20 CNAS Public lecture series – Dr. Dean Cuebas, 7:00-8:00, Temple 001
Sept 23 Women in STEM Event
Sept 24 Fall Showcase
Sept 26 State of the University Address, 12:15 PM, PSU Theatre
Sept 27-29 Fall Academic Integrity Days
Sept 28 Majors Fair
Sept 28 STEM Lecture at Library Center – Dr. Paul Schweiger, 7-8 PM
Oct 12-13 HSP Recruiters’ Fair
Oct 13 Scholarship Reception (3 PM) and Emeritus Dinner (5:30 PM)
Oct 14 Advisory Board Meetings for many CNAS Departments
Oct 14 BOG meetings
Oct 14 Wall of Fame ceremony, 4 PM, PSU Ballroom
Oct 15 Homecoming 2016!
Oct 21-22 Tri-State Water Coalition meeting, Darr Ag Center
- Tune in every Thursday morning at 9:45 AM for 5-minute STEM SPOTS on KSMU hosted by Dr. David Cornelison.
- Check out CNAS blog and CNAS NewsWatch for more information.
- CNAS NEWS posted by University Communications –
- Follow on Twitter: @TSJahnke
As always, please submit items for the next CNAS NEWS!
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