TODAY is the CNAS STEM Career Exploration Expo from 4:00-6:00 PM, in PSU Ballroom. Registration for students begins at 3:45 PM.
All CNAS students and faculty are encouraged to attend!
- Wed, Nov 8 – Chemistry Department Graduate Student presentation from Samuel Kasson.
- Tune in every Thursday morning at 9:45 AM for 5-minute STEM Spots on KSMU hosted by Dr. David Cornelison. This week you can hear the 100th STEM Spot!!! Congratulations, Dave!
HL students submitted a 30-minute video presentation over the Las Vegas market for the first round of the 2017 STR Student Market Study Competition. They analyzed a significant amount of data in a short amount of time. MSU is one of the finalists invited to NYC to compete! The first ever MSU team will present at the HX: The Hotel Experience in New York on Sunday, November 12. Dr. Stephanie Hein, Dr. Albert Barreda, Dr. Nancy Kageyama, and three students will attend. We wish them the best of luck in this competition!
Coming soon…
- Expanding Your Horizons 2017 will be held on Saturday, November 18. This is an event for middle school girls. The morning will be filled with hands-on science and information about careers in STEM.
The latest CNAS NEWS is published here – CNAS NewsWatch
The updated FERPA training we referenced at our Registrar’s Annual Meeting is now available. You will find it in My Learning Connection under FERPA-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. If you’ve done the training previously, you will still be able to launch this updated training from your transcript since it is a new presentation. If you have any questions, contact the Office of the Registrar.
- PAMS released their fall 2017 newsletter of Momentum.
- Paul Durham Bronze Bear Award recipient.
Students for a Sustainable Future (SSF) needs volunteers to help them bring recycling to the MSU home football game tailgating.
Thousands of aluminum cans, cardboard and plastics are used and disposed of at tailgating events. Without anyone there to ensure that this material is properly recycled, most of it is sent to the landfill, resulting in negative effects on our environment. Currently there is no formal recycling that the campus provides at the tailgates, so it is up to students to take on this responsibility. Volunteers will gain experience with recycling protocol and handling waste. It will allow them to see how much waste is produced at these events and that recycling truly does make a difference. Students will also earn service hours for volunteering to help the environment.
SIGN-UP TO VOLUNTEER HERE – The last day volunteers are needed is Saturday, November 11 from 10am-2pm.
You can sign up for the times you are available at one or all of the home football games using this spreadsheet (see tabs for each date). If you have questions, contact Libby Cantrell, President of SSF at 314-609-8392 or
- Dec 15 – Foundation Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service: nominations/intent to apply due via online form
- Dec 15 – Assessment Grants for Assessment of Student Learning
- Dec 15 – Professor Salary Incentive Program (PSIP) application materials due to Dean’s Office
- Dec 18 – By 2:00 PM, submit final grade rosters:
Nov 6 STEM Career Exploration Expo, 4:00-6:30, PSU Ballroom
Nov 9 USA Day
Nov 18 Expand Your Horizons, 7:30-1:00, Kemper Hall
Nov 28 Dr. Debra Finn, “Beneath the surface: fabulous biodiversity in flowing waters” 7:00, Library Center
Dec 15 CNAS Graduation Reception 8-9 AM
Dec 15 Commencement – CNAS marches at 10:00 AM
- Check out CNAS blog and CNAS NewsWatch for more information.
- CNAS NEWS posted by University Communications –
- Follow CNAS on Twitter: @CNASatMSU
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