Happy Birthday, Missouri State University!
All CNAS Faculty/Staff Award nominations are due to the Dean’s Office by 5 PM this Friday, March 23! (Email David.)
The CNAS Awards Committee will make recommendations to the dean by April 18 for awards to be announced at the ceremony on May 3.
- Tuesday, Mar 20 – One Drop of Love, 7:00 PM, PSU Theater (more info: http://www.onedropoflove.org/)
This play is the keynote performance for Women’s HERstory Month – FREE admission.
- Thursday, Mar 22 –Joint Seminar w/ PAMS, CHM, BIO, BMS: Antibiotic Mechanism of Silver Revealed by Quantitative Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy, by Professor Yong Wang, University of Arkansas, 4:00-5:00 PM, Temple Lecture Hal 002 (flyer attached)
Ozarks Science and Engineering Fair (OSEF) at Hammons Student Center: Please encourage your students to volunteer – student volunteer. STEM majors (undergraduate or graduate) and faculty should sign up to be a judge. Judging occurs on Tuesday evening, March 27. CNAS faculty have always been the backbone of the Fair, and we’re hoping you will help us again this year by encouraging your students to sign up to volunteer. We will CLOSE the SignUp Genius page as of midnight Sunday, March 25, so they need to sign up sooner rather than later – the later they sign up, the fewer time slots will be available For more information, contact Sue McCrory or 417-836-6120.
- IDF (Sat, May 5) needs volunteers and judges! Students may register to be a volunteer. Faculty may register to be a judge. Emeritus faculty and advisory board members can also volunteer to judge. Please invite them to participate!
- Assessment Workshop Tu-Thu, May 22-24. Several CNAS faculty have participated in the past and there is a stipend for participation If you are interested go to the website for more information including registration information – https://www.missouristate.edu/assessment/annualassessmentworkshop.htm
- Missouri State University’s LOGOS: A Journal of Undergraduate Research is currently accepting submissions for research papers, art pieces, media pieces, poetry, short stories, and more from undergraduate students in every discipline. The final deadline for submissions is Sat, March 31. If you have any questions, email (logos@missouristate.edu) or phone (417-836-5424). Check out the LOGOS website for further information and/or for submission instructions.
- CNAS Undergraduate Research Day is Thursday, May 3! Abstracts are due Wed, April 19
- The 25th annual Graduate Interdisciplinary Forum to present research is coming up on Saturday, May 5. Deadline to submit abstracts is Tuesday, April 10.
- Several biology students presented and Jeff Williams won an award for his poster presentation at the Missouri Natural Resources Conference (MNRC) in February.
- Matt Siebert and his research of banned chemicals is featured in Mind’s Eye.
- Rohit Dua received the Faculty Achievement Award for his work with GOCAPS and excellence in teaching, research and service.
- MSU turned 113 on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17! Join the birthday celebration on Tuesday, March 20, 11 AM to 2 PM, PSU.
- Register for Master Advisor Refresher Workshop (sessions are April 10 and April 20)
- Sustainability Student Summit on Monday, April 9, 9 AM – 4 PM in PSU 308
This event will include hands on workshops led by students, free popcorn, and chances to win prizes (including a kayak)!
Please share this opportunity with students, offer extra credit, or attend the event!
- Save the Monarchs: Milkweed Planting and Celebration on Tuesday, April 10, 1:30-3:00 PM, 521 N. Jefferson
Join your fellow Bears to convert a vacant lot downtown to a monarch habitat!
MARCH 2018
- Mar 21 – submit mid-semester grade rosters by 2:00 PM
- Mar 23 – Fall 2018 Showcase Proposals submitted by Faculty to fctl@missouristate.edu.
- Mar 30 – By 5:00 PM, curricular proposals submitted through Curricular Action Workflow System to allow dean and admin assistant time to review and prepare agenda.
- Mar 30 – students submit nominations for CNAS Student-Faculty Awards to the Dean (ceremony on May 3)
APRIL 2018
- Apr 2 – All (committee and head) annual faculty evaluations to Dean:
- Apr 6 – Study Away proposal submissions for short-term faculty-directed programs for winter intercession
- Apr 10 – Abstracts for Interdisciplinary Forum due to Graduate College
- Apr 13 – Dean presents Equity Requests to Provost
- Apr 13 – Heads must provide list of all faculty planning on applying for promotion in 2018 to dean, then begin working on lists of external evaluators for my review prior to commencement in May.
- Apr 15 – International Travel Grants (due dates are Jan 15, Apr 15, Jul 15, Oct 15)
- Apr 19 – Abstracts for Undergraduate Research Day due by 5 PM to GaleLininger@missouristate.edu
Mar 27-29 OSEF – Ozarks Science and Engineering Fair (judging on March 27)
Mar 29 Spring Holiday – offices open, no classes
Mar 30 Spring Holiday – offices closed, no classes
April 9-12 Public Affairs Conference Please plan to attend one session and encourage your students to do the same!
April 10 Hospitality Leadership Executive Speaker Series, 2:00-3:00, PSU Theater
April 11 Pummill Math Relays
April 19 Chemistry Scholarship Banquet (invitation only event)
April 20 Chemistry Advisory Board Meets today
Apr 25-27 Collaborative Diversity Conference – Faculty and Staff may attend sessions at no cost but you must register online so there will be enough chairs in the room.
Apr 27-28 Missouri Academy of Science Annual Meeting in Rolla
May 1 All Faculty Recognition Reception 3-5 PM in PSU Ballroom
May 3 (THURSDAY) CNAS Undergraduate Research Day (abstracts due April 19)
Faculty & Staff awards (nominations due March 23)
Noon – Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony (includes a light lunch for all attendees)
Noon -1:00 PM – All judging will for Undergraduate Research Day will occur during this time period.
Research Posters will be open to all from 1-3 PM
3:00 PM – Awards presented to research day winners.
May 5 Graduate College IDF (abstracts due April 10)
May 12-17 Final Exams
May 18 Spring Commencement CNAS Reception 2-4 PM, Temple Courtyard (rain location Temple Lecture Halls)
May 18 Spring Commencement (CNAS at 5:00 PM)
- Tune in every Thursday morning at 9:45 AM for 5-minute STEM Spots on KSMU hosted by Dr. David Cornelison.
- Follow CNAS blog, CNAS NewsWatch and University News.
- Follow CNAS on Twitter: @CNASatMSU
- Follow CNAS on Facebook: CNAS at MSU
- Mind’s Eye scholarly publication
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