Happy Birthday, Missouri State University! DUE THIS WEEK All CNAS Faculty/Staff Award nominations are due to the Dean’s Office by 5 PM this Friday, March 23! (Email David.) The CNAS Awards Committee will make recommendations to the dean by April 18 for awards to be announced at the ceremony on May 3. SEMINARS THIS WEEK Tuesday, Mar 20 – One Drop of Love, 7:00 PM, PSU … [Read more...] about CNAS NEWS – March 19, 2018
Severe Weather Test (aka tornado drill) is tomorrow at 10:00 AM! Prior to the drill, review the severe weather procedures and the shelter locations for the buildings you frequently use. All departments, classes and residence halls are requested and strongly encouraged to participate, and for classes or labs that cannot be interrupted to participate in the drill, it is … [Read more...] about CNAS NEWS – March 5, 2018