Thursday, Sep 6 Home football game – tailgating starts 3 PM, game starts at 6 PM
No classes will be canceled. For those who have a class that meets that afternoon please make sure they tell their students the following: The commuters will need to arrive early to find a parking space!!! Also the outside doors to Temple and Pummill Halls will be locked at 3:00 PM. Every student in a class that starts at 2:30 or later will be given zip card access to Temple Hall from 2:30 PM – until 7:00 PM. There will also be an officer stationed near the lecture halls and at the entrance to Pummill Hall with a class list who can let them in.
I cannot have an officer at every door so be sure your students bring their zip cards. Remember there is zip card access on the west and north entrances. If you notice anyone in the building who should not be here during that time period – please call security immediately. I’ll be monitoring the building from 3-5:30 PM but then I’ll be in class until 6:45. I’ll do a walk-through after class but typically nothing happens after the game starts and it should be quiet after that.
Lot 4 and 22 will close at 1:00 p.m. and Lot 19 will have restricted parking on Thursday, September 6 for the Home Football Game.
Citizen Scholar nominations due September 13:
Integrating Diversity with Teaching and Learning – Call for Applicants: deadline is Friday, September 7 at 12 midnight!
Faculty who are interested in learning about diversity and creating an inclusive classroom culture are encouraged to apply for a $250 Diversity Scholar stipend. A limited number of stipends will be available. Past participants in this program earned a Diversity Scholars certificate serving as a mentor on diversity and inclusion to other faculty in their department. Interested applicants should submit a one-page application to the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning by midnight on Friday, September 7. This should be a one-page letter outlining your primary goals for integrating multicultural and diverse perspectives in your teaching. Successful applicants are expected to participate in the four Diversity Workshops facilitated by the Diversity Fellow, Adena Young-Jones. They will also be asked to write a reflective essay on how they incorporated this new knowledge into their practice sharing practical teaching tips with other faculty for creating an inclusive learning environment.
Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (various events & workshops available)
Please attached flyer for information on:
- Common Reader Book Talks – Lab Girl by Hope Jahren
- Mini Diversity Workshops
Diversity Fellow, Dr. Adena Young-Jones, facilitates both.
Please email or call 836-3059 for more information.
- Fri, Sep 21 – BIO: Engineering DNA nanostructures: Application from drug delivery to plasmonic metamolecules, by Risheng Wang, TEMP 003, 4-5 PM
- Thu, Sept. 27 – PAMS – Jin H, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, University of Arkansas, Kemper Hall
- Fri, Sep 28 – BIO: The neural control of coordinated movement: How I learned to stop worrying and love the brain, by Curt Anderson, TEMP 003, 4-5 PM
Check the CNAS calendar on the homepage for upcoming seminars.
Submit your seminars to the master calendar as soon as possible to ensure a good turnout!
For all of the very latest news – CNAS NewsWatch
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Students can win cash for themselves and a donation to a charity of their choice!
The Dr. Michael N. Compton Public Affairs 2018 Essay Contest
The deadline to submit an essay is October 14, 2018.
Go to the website for more information!
Carrie’s Café opens Tuesday, October 9!
CNAS STEM Career Expo 2018 – Please make sure all STEM CNAS students know about this opportunity to learn about careers in STEM.
Monday, November 5, 2018, 3:30 – 6:00 PM, PSU Ballroom (3rd floor)
- Harlee Kelley, biology major, spent her summer in the Stowers Summer Scholars program in KC.
- Mathematics REU led to research and opportunities.
- Missouri State was highlighted for its sustainability program and moves higher with a Silver rating from AASHE.
- Partners For Conservation is holding 11th Annual Private Lands Partners Day conference October 2-4, 2018 in Springfield.
- Tri-State Water Resource Coalition and MSU will hold the TriState Water Conference on Tuesday, October 30, 2018 at Darr Ag Center. Click for more information and to register.
Sep 14 Public Observing Night at Baker Observatory (alternate date Sep 15)
Sep 20 Majors Fair, 9 AM – 3 PM, PSU Ballroom
Sep 25-27 Public Affairs Conference
Oct 1 State of the University Address at 12:15 PM in PSU Theater
Oct 2-4 Partners for Conservation (PFC) – Conference Springfield @ White River Conference Center
Event schedule and registration –
Oct 6 Fall Showcase, 9:00-2:00, PSU
Oct 11-12 Fall Break – No Classes/Offices Open
Oct 15 CNAS 3-Minute Thesis Competition starting at 4 PM, Glass Hall 237
Oct 17 Hospitality Leadership Career Fair
Oct 18 Emeritus Dinner, PSU Union Club, 5:30-7:30
Oct 19-20 Homecoming
Oct 26 Graduate College 3-minute thesis competition at 5 PM in Meyer Library
Oct 30 TriState Water Coalition Conference –more information and to register
Nov 5 CNAS STEM Career Expo
- Tune in every Thursday morning at 9:45 AM for 5-minute STEM Spots on KSMU (Click for interviews!)
- Follow CNAS NewsWatch
- Follow CNAS on Twitter: @CNASatMSU and/or Facebook: CNAS at MSU
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