ABSTRACTS ARE DUE MONDAY, APRIL 22 for CNAS Undergraduate Research Day
The CNAS Undergraduate Research Day crowdfunding campaign is now live! We hope to hope to raise $2500 to provide awards for the participating students. You are welcome to share with your alumni, friends, faculty/staff, and anyone who likely get involved with on social media. Big or small, every gift counts! This is the link to the campaign: https://www.givecampus.com/ybngil
Office of Research Administration released their newsletter.
Friday, Apr 26 CNAS 7th Annual College Picnic hosted by CNAS Diversity Committee – Phelps Grove Park, 5-8 PM
All-Faculty Recognition Reception
Tuesday, April 30 at 3:00 PM in PSU Ballroom. Mark your calendars!
Carrie’s Café Is OPEN April 16, 23, 25, 30 and May 2, 7.
Outstanding work by faculty, staff and students…
- Gary Meints and Reza Sedaghat-Herati published a paper about their research developing new materials for gene therapy.
- Samantha Bray, MSU graduate 2011 with a minor in geotourism, returned to campus last February to speak to students about responsible tourism.
- Black holes and women in science on KOLR10 – https://www.ozarksfirst.com/news/local-stem-student-inspired-by-first-black-hole-photo/1919990366
CORRECTION: Last week we stated that undergraduates and graduates created an LSAMP chapter, when in fact the chapter is an NSF-funded grant. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. We apologize for any confusion.
Shattering the Silences – two events this month from Division for Diversity & Inclusion (DDI)
- Tuesday, April 16 from 3:30-5:00 PM in PSU Theater: Giving Voice troupe performs Reducing Microaggressions – From Awareness to Action
- Tuesday, April 30 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Carrington Hall: Author Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses racism in her new book White Fragility
The Division for Diversity & Inclusion hosts the Collaborative Diversity Conference from Wednesday, April 24 through Friday, April 26. This year’s theme is Bridging the Cultural Divides. Registration is required to attend sessions, but there is no charge to MSU employees!
You are also invited to become a Reader for Living Stories: Bridging the Cultural Divides
- Tu, Apr 16: Diversity Committee, 2-3 PM, Temple 156
- Fri, Apr 26: STEM Education Committee, 3:30-4:30 PM, Temple 156
- Smithsonian Exhibit. It is open! It is free! It is in Meyer Library room 107. Check out a unique way to harvest fish. The exhibit is here through May 24!
Apr 30 All Faculty Recognition –3:00 PM, PSU Ballroom West
Provost and President will be presenting awards!
May 3 CNAS Faculty/Staff Awards Presentation at NOON
May 3 CNAS Undergraduate Research Day
May 4 Einhellig IDF – Graduate College
May 10 PAMS – NASA Public Observation Night at Baker Observatory, 8:30-11:30 (webpage)
May 11-16 Final Exams
May 17 Spring Commencement – CNAS marches at the 1 PM Ceremony
May 18-22 Annual Steam Outage (campus wide: domestic hot water)
June 10 Summer Session Begins
June 10 SOAR Begins
June 17-21 Coding Camp Week – Discovery Center
June 24-28 STEM Week – Discovery Center
July 5 Tentative – Electrical Outage (Partial campus. More details to follow)
July 26 Summer Visit Day
Aug 2 Summer Session Ends (Finals)
Aug 12 All Faculty and Graduate Students report to work
Aug 19 Fall Classes Start
- Tune in every Thursday morning at 9:45 AM for 5-minute STEM Spots on KSMU (Click for past interviews!)
- Follow CNAS NewsWatch
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(Links are also at the bottom of the CNAS homepage.)
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