Declaration of the Báb Culture/religion: Bahá’í Date: May 24 Declaration of the Báb commemorates the day the Báb, the herald of the Bahá’í faith announced that he was the new messenger of God. The day is one of the nine holy days when work is suspended. Bahá’ís celebrate through prayers and retelling the story of the declaration. Pronunciation: Bahá’í: Ba-HIGH; … [Read more...] about Cultural and religious observances – May 23-29, 2022
Vesak Festival Culture/religion: Buddhist Date: May 26 Vesak, also known as Buddha Day, is one of the most important of the Theravada Buddhist festivals, which commemorates three milestones in the life of Gautama Buddha: his birth, his enlightenment and his death. Vesak is recognized on the day of the full moon of the sixth lunar month (May). The observance of … [Read more...] about Cultural and religious observances – May 24-30, 2021