Park Day! Reunion 2019 Sponsored by Springfield Reunion Club & Springfield Greene County Parks Theme for 2019... "Come Back for the Throw Back" Playing your favorites form the 70s, 80s & 90s (Come sporting your afros, platforms, bell bottoms, mini skirts, zoot suits or whatever you were wearing back then...) Friday, August 2, 2019 8:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. - … [Read more...] about 2019 Park Day Reunion
The Park Day Reunion takes place at Silver Springs Park every year on first weekend of August, bringing together friends and family from Springfield and around the country. The event name dates back to 1952, when Gerald Brooks, a teacher at Springfield’s Lincoln School, started a day of games and sports for young black residents at Silver Springs. Friday, August 4, … [Read more...] about Park Day Reunion 2017: “Lets do it again”