This week, we will be experiencing a peak load on the district chilled water system and peak demand on our electrical systems.
With outside air temperatures today thru Wednesday averaging 95 degrees F. and heat indexes close to 100 degrees F. our campus systems will be strained.
To reduce the stress on our campus systems, conserve energy, and reduce the cost of peak utility demand charges; please help by taking the following actions:
- Raise thermostat setpoints to 75 deg F or higher.
- Reduce phantom electrical loads by unplugging chargers that are not used for equipment such as phones, laptops, computers, tablets, etc.
- Turn off equipment that is not in use such as computers, monitors, coffee makers, copy machines, printers, appliances, etc.
- Turn off lights in areas that are not in use.
Thank you for your patience as we work to ensure our systems continue to meet the needs of the campus while being good stewards of our resources.
If you have any questions, please contact Work Management at 6-8400 or email Thank you