- Art Annex
- Baker Bookstore
- Blair Shannon House
- Blunt Hall
- Carrington Hall
- Central Stores and Maintenance
- Cheek Hall
- Craig Hall
- Ellis Hall
- Freudenberger House
- Greenwood Lab School
- Hill Hall
- Karls Hall
- Kemper Hall
- Kings Street Annex
- Magers Health and Wellness Center
- McDonald Arena
- Plaster East Bleachers
- Plaster Sports Complex
- Plaster Student Union
- Power House
- Pummill Hall
- Siceluff Hall
- Telecommunications
- Wells House
- Woods House
To prepare your computer, it is recommended you unplug all computer equipment prior to any scheduled electrical outage to protect against damage or potential loss of data.
This outage allows for necessary maintenance to the campus medium voltage distribution system and helps ensure reliable and safe electrical service to our campus buildings. The outage allows critical work to occur in support of the construction and renovation work associated with the Blunt Hall addition and renovation, the Kemper Hall addition, and the replacement of the Art Annex with the Judith Enyeart-Reynolds Arts Complex.
Please contact Work Management (417-836-8400) if you have questions or concerns about this electrical outage.
Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain and improve Missouri State University.
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