Award will be presented at Dec. 18 commencement

In recognition of their long-standing involvement with and support of Missouri State University, T. Edward Pinegar, Jr. and Carol Pinegar of Springfield were selected to receive the 2009 Bronze Bear Award. The Pinegars will be the tenth recipient of the award, which is presented to those who have exhibited “extraordinary achievement and/or outstanding support” for Missouri State.
The Missouri State University Board of Governors voted today (Oct. 30) to award the Pinegars the Bronze Bear, which will be presented at the Dec. 18 commencement ceremony at JQH Arena. The Bronze Bear Award includes a framed resolution and a 45-pound, 18-inch Bronze Bear in an upright position mounted on a base. The Bronze Bear Award was designed by former Missouri State art professor Dr. Jim Hill. A 14-foot statue version of the Bronze Bear mounted on a 3-foot concrete base is located just north of Missouri State’s Plaster Student Union.
“Ed and Carol Pinegar exemplify what the Bronze Bear honors,” said Dr. Michael T. Nietzel, Missouri State president. “In so many ways over so many years, Ed and Carol have been there to encourage and support the work of Missouri State University. They have been strong advocates for the university and we are pleased to honor them in this way.”
The Pinegar Family has made multiple gifts to different areas of the university including the Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts, the department of agriculture, the Darr Agricultural Center, Greenwood Laboratory School, intercollegiate athletics and the Capital Campaign for David D. Glass Hall, among others.
Both alums of Missouri State, Ed Pinegar served on the Missouri State University Board of Governors from 1985-91 and Carol Pinegar served on the Missouri State University Board of Governors in 2005. In addition, Ed Pinegar served two terms on the Missouri State University Foundation Board of Directors from 1999-05, and Carol Pinegar served on the Missouri State University Foundation Board of Directors from 2005-08. She is currently serving a second term from 2008-11.
The first nine Bronze Bear recipients were: 1998 – John Q. Hammons, international developer and philanthropist; 1999 – David D. Glass, former president and CEO of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., of Bentonville, Ark., and owner of the Kansas City Royals baseball team; 2000 – Dr. Duane G. Meyer, president emeritus of Missouri State; 2003 – Virginia and William H. “Bill” Darr, founder and owner of American Dehydrated Foods and related companies, and Springfield philanthropists; 2004 – Jane and Ken Meyer, owners of Meyer Communications, Inc., and Springfield philanthropists; 2005 – Dr. John H. Keiser, president emeritus of Missouri State; 2006 – Thomas G. Strong, alumnus and nationally-known attorney; 2007 – The McQueary Family; and 2008 – The Turner Family.
Recipients of the Bronze Bear are recommended by the university president and administrative council and supported by the Faculty Senate, Staff Senate and Student Government Association, before going before the Board of Governors for approval.
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