Despite budget cuts, economic turmoil, Foundation finds great support
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The Missouri State University Foundation set a new record for fundraising in Fiscal Year 2010, which ended June 30. The $15,512,371 raised during FY10 topped the Foundation’s previous record, set only a year ago, of $15,044,534. The gifts will help to fund programs, scholarships, equipment and other needs across campus.
“When you see such tremendous continued support throughout tough economic times, you have to know that you are part of a cause or an organization that people believe in,” said Brent Dunn, vice president for university advancement. “We are proud and thankful that our donors continue to give to the Foundation, because we strongly believe that education is the best resource with which we can equip our students.”
With gifts from 23,688 donors, the Foundation was able to raise approximately $1.3 million per month. This support helps to achieve the university’s overall goals of increasing student access to higher education and recruiting and maintaining quality faculty members. Over the last three years, the Foundation has raised an average of more than $1 million per month.
The number of alumni donors also contributed to the success of FY10. The Missouri State University Foundation recorded 7,895 alumni donors for the year, which was an increase from FY09.
“We are pleased that the Foundation is beginning to see an increase in alumni donors because it shows us that alumni value the experience they received at Missouri State University,” said Larry Frazier, president of the Missouri State University Foundation. “We appreciate every single gift that is made, especially in times like these, as they help us to improve our offerings for students now and for years to come.”
The Missouri State University Foundation was established in 1981 as the fund-raising arm of the university. Since then, the Foundation has received $175 million through outright gifts, and an additional $50 million has been recorded through deferred commitments. The outright gifts are already being utilized on campus. The deferred gifts will come to the university at a later date through bequests, trusts, annuities, life insurance and other instruments.
For more information, contact Dunn at (417) 836-6666 or
Congratulations on your accomplishments this past year. I came across your program in Diane Webber-Thrush’s article “What can be done about the gulf between public and private institutions in alumni giving.”
First I was intrigued by Missouri State’s foundation model (I am a director of development at UMSL). But as a parent with a child quickly heading off to college, I am impressed with how Missouri State is organized, governed and the vision moving forward. Sounds like Missouri State has started many new strategies that all public higher education organizations will have to implement in the years to come.
Congrats again.