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Despite budget cuts, economic turmoil, Foundation finds great support
For the fourth year in a row, the Missouri State University Foundation set a new record for fundraising in Fiscal Year 2011, which ended June 30. The $16,698,481 raised during FY11 topped the Foundation’s previous record of $15,512,371. The gifts will help to fund programs, scholarships, equipment and other needs across campus.
“We are so very thankful to all our donors,” said Brent Dunn, vice president for university advancement. “The support for the university continues to grow and we are appreciative of every single gift. This is our fourth consecutive record in a row and that shows people really care about education and this institution.”
With gifts from 24,316 donors, the Foundation was able to raise approximately $1.4 million per month. This support helps to achieve the university’s overall goals of increasing student access to higher education and recruiting and maintaining quality faculty members. Over the last four years, the Foundation has raised an average of more than $1 million per month.
“Every donor is important to Missouri State University,” said Larry Frazier, chairman of the Missouri State University Foundation Board of Trustees. “We are especially pleased that our alumni continue to demonstrate their support of the university through their gifts. Their gifts allow future students to also benefit from receiving an education at Missouri State.”
For the second time in three years, Missouri State won national recognition for its fundraising success. The university won an “Overall Performance Award” in the 2011 CASE Educational Fundraising Awards program.
The Missouri State University Foundation was established in 1981 as the fund-raising arm of the university. Since then, the Foundation has received nearly $200 million through outright gifts, and an additional $50 million has been recorded through deferred commitments. The outright gifts are already being utilized on campus. The deferred gifts will come to the university at a later date through bequests, trusts, annuities, life insurance and other instruments.
For more information, contact Dunn at (417) 836-6666 or brentdunn@missouristate.edu.
Kudos to the excellent Foundation administration and staff who build the relationships that make this success possible. Without trust in them none we wouldn’t have such success.