Everybody loves an underdog but what about underbears? Time and time again the Holt V. Spicer Debate Forum at Missouri State University has proven they’re not the team to be messed with. Whether it’s dominating at a regional tournament or sweeping the house at a championship. And what’s their secret? Coach Eric Morris, the Director of Forensics and Professor of … [Read more...] about Holt V. Spicer Debate Forum finishes the season strong
Several online courses are available for the summer. Summer 2020 Schedule May 18 - Summer Intersession classes begin May 25 - Memorial Day holiday (no classes) June 5 - Summer Intersession classes end June 8 - Classes begin July 3 - Independence Day observed (no classes) July 29 - Last day of classes July 30-31 - Final exams SUMMER 2020 Communication … [Read more...] about Numerous summer school options in the Department of Communication
Dr. Carrisa Hoelscher, assistant professor of communication, recently published two national peer-reviewed articles and one peer-reviewed book chapter. Dr. Hoelscher's 2017 publications Hoelscher, C. S., Kramer, M. W., Nguyen, C., Cooper, O. D. & Day, E. A. (2017). Decision making and communication in a statewide interagency task force: An investigation of … [Read more...] about Carrisa Hoelscher’s 2017 publications
Students in the Fundamentals of Communication classes will compete in this semester's Vicki Stanton Public Speaking Showcase on May 2 at the Plaster Student Union Theater. What is the Public Speaking Showcase? Communication faculty choose about 60 participants each semester to present a persuasive speech in front of a panel of judges in two preliminary rounds, competing … [Read more...] about Students compete in Vicki Stanton showcase on May 2
Missouri State’s communication department has led the planning efforts for the Central States Communication Association's 2016 conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on April 13-17. Department head offers students opportunity to plan conference Dr. Shawn Wahl, communication department head, is the CSCA first vice president. He and his team of graduate student interns … [Read more...] about Graduate students help plan regional conference