Dr. Shawn Wahl, head of the communication department, will be presenting at the National Communication Association’s centennial convention, to be held Nov. 20-23 in Chicago. Wahl will join other panelists in the NCA Department Chairs Forum to discuss the first phase in the Learning Outcomes in Communication (LOC) project, a three-year initiative funded by the Lumina Foundation.
The objectives of the LOC project are to productively support curriculum planning and improvement within the communication discipline, and to help position communication centrally in institutions’ general education curriculum development efforts. In Phase I, the “Tuning” phase, six groups of communication faculty members, including Wahl, worked to identify the disciplinary core and map career pathways, and then sought feedback from various stakeholders, including potential employers, other disciplinary faculty, and civic groups—a process known as tuning.
Wahl and others from those groups will present their findings at the forum scheduled Nov. 21 from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m.