Graduate students Becky Saunders, of communication, and Johnathan Saunders, of public administration, won the top graduate student paper award at Missouri State’s recent Criminology and Criminal Justice Conference.
About the research
The couple, who were married in May 2013, co-wrote the paper, “Facilitators and Conflict Management in the Girls Circle Program,” based partly on Becky’s experience and research as a facilitator at the University’s Center for Dispute Resolution.
Their study examines how facilitators manage conflict and process their facilitating experiences.
They presented the paper April 8, and their award was announced at the close of the conference on April 9.
About Circles for Girls
The 8- to 10-weeklong program brings together a group of 4-10 girls with trained facilitators to explore topics relating to social, emotional and physical well-being.
Each week covers a different theme, coupled with an activity designed to help girls further explore the topic. Guided discussions are facilitated, and journaling is encouraged. Between sessions facilitators respond to girls’ journal entries to answer questions and provide feedback.