COM head
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. For those of you who I have not had the opportunity to meet, my name is Dr. Shawn Wahl. I started as the new Department Head in the Department of Communication on July 2, 2012. When you get the chance feel free to stop by my office in Craig 375, give me a call at 417-836-4423, or email me at ShawnWahl@MissouriState.edu if you have questions about the department, advising, programs, student organizations, internships, and more.
Check out the latest information, media, and events going on in the department at our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter . Also of course check out the Department of Communication’s University website for more resources and information available to students!

Welcome to New Faculty
In addition to a new department head, we are pleased to have a new professor and instructor. I would like to welcome Dr. Nick Carcioppolo, Assistant Professor of Communication. Dr. Carcioppolo comes to MSU from Purdue University–one of the top ranked communication doctoral programs in the nation. I hope you will have an opportunity to visit with Dr. Carcioppolo about his research program in health communication. In addition, I would like to welcome Mr. Gary Iman as our new Instructor of Communication. Mr. Iman received his MA in Communication from MSU and has years of management and business experience. Gary is teaching face to face and online sections of COM 115 and is preparing to work as an advisor in the near future. If you are interested in online classes or have a question about Blackboard, Mr. Iman is a great contact.

Fostering Connection
My goal is to keep MSU faculty, students, staff, alumni, and the community informed about our excellent programs, faculty and student research activity, grants, professional development, research colloquia, the department’s connection to MSU’s Public Affairs Mission, and community partnerships. I hope that you all will stay connected with the Department of Communication. Have a wonderful semester and stay tuned for more information about future department events and accomplishments.
Shawn Wahl