“Epilogue,” the Web series developed by students in the department of media, journalism and film (MJF) at Missouri State University, received second place in the series category of the 34th College Television Awards.
“This national recognition really puts Missouri State and MJF on the map for production programs and validates all of the hard work and long hours that nearly 100 students from six departments across campus put into ‘Epilogue,’” said Mark Biggs, MJF department head. “The recognition is also a wonderful reflection on the quality guidance these students received from the faculty who pioneered this project, Dr. Deb Larson and Professor Diana Botsford.”
The student producers honored at the awards ceremony were Karman Bowers, Cibee Jaime, Matt Lathrom and Garrett Tripp.
Sponsored by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation, the College Television Awards is a national competition recognizing excellence in college student-produced video, digital and film work.
Written, produced and directed by media, journalism and film students, “Epilogue” also featured the talent of theatre, electronic arts, communication, fashion and music composition majors. The six episode series follows time-travelers seeking a cure to a modern day plague in a 14th century rural French village known for its immunity to the original Bubonic Plague. The series can be viewed at www.epiloguetheseries.com.
For more information, contact Biggs at (417) 836-5218.
Courtesy Missouri State’s Office of University Communications