The Standard has been honored with four national awards from College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers Inc. and five regional awards from the Society of Pro
fessional Journalists Region 7 .

CNBAM awards
- Best Newspaper Promotion Campaign, 4th place
- Best Newspaper Promotion Multimedia Campaign, 1st place
- Best Group Promotion, Free Standing Section, 3rd place
- Best Back to School or Orientation Issue, 4th place
SPJ Region 7 awards
- In-Depth Reporting (Large Schools), Finalist: “$1,163,237: Bookstore director admits to stealing for 10 years” by Megan Gates
- Best All-Around Non Daily Student Newspaper, Finalist
- Feature Photography (Large Schools), Finalist: “Not quite ready” by Steph Anderson Chambers
- Sports Photography (Large Schools), Winner: “My ball!” by Steph Anderson Chambers
- Sports Photography (Large Schools), Finalist: “One last lap” by Steph Anderson Chambers
The MJF department would like to congratulate everyone for their hard work and making the Standard the success it is.