Summer is swiftly approaching, and after spring break you might be concerned about how your funds look. Here are some ways you can start saving money for summer vacation now:
- No more big spending – You’ve already had a blast on spring break so put the debit card or credit card to rest. I’m not saying don’t have any fun, but really think about purchases long term before making them.
- Cook at home- Eating at home can save you tons of money. You may think, “But it’s only from the dollar menu!” Don’t be fooled. Those items add up!
- Put money in your savings account – It never hurts to have one. If you make weekly contributions you’ll definitely see the numbers grow.
- Pre-Plan – Budgeting how much you can spend weekly will also help you save! Get in to the habit of making lists… then buy only what you need.
- Make use of budgeting and saving apps – There are great apps in the app store that can help you: Mint Personal Finance, Ebates, and Smarty Pig to name a few.
If you have questions on saving, budgeting, or anything financially related, come see one of the Real LIFE counselors in Carrington 419