While your credit score might not seem important now, someday it’ll determine what apartment you can rent, what loans you can take out, and whether or not you can buy a house. Having a good credit score in our society can really make life easier, and it’s often a good idea to start early. Good credit will help you: • Lower your insurance rates. • Obtain your first job. • … [Read more...] about Pros and Cons of Getting a Credit Card
How much do you know about your personal credit? Do you know where to obtain your free credit report? Who can you receive your credit report from? Why is it important to check your credit report? To test your knowledge and answer these questions, check out the newest episode of MSU Real L.I.F.E. TV. It can be found on YouTube, Facebook, and our official webpage. And be sure … [Read more...] about MSU Real L.I.F.E. TV: Credit