Welcome to the first Staff Senate newsletter! This will be a monthly newsletter aimed at keeping you up-to-date on Staff Senate happenings, as well as events and news from around campus.
In This Issue:
2010-2011 Executive Committee
- Tabitha Haynes, Chair
- Michael Frizell, Chair-Elect
- Janelle Melton, Secretary
- Marian Green, Parliamentarian
Welcome New Senators!
Join us in welcoming our new senators!
- Sandra Johnson (Faculty Senate)
- Matthew Stublefield (Computer Services)
- Holly Robison (Psychology)
- Sandra Arthur (Provost’s Office)
- Andrea Weber (Student Engagement)
Rained Out Cardinals Game Has Been Rescheduled
The Missouri State University Staff and Faculty Appreciation Night Cardinals game has been rescheduled for August 29th at 2:10PM. There will be free ice cream for the kids and they will get to run bases after the game.
If you purchased tickets for the June game and want to exchange them for the August 29th game, please take your tickets to Konya Knackstedt in Glass 238 or Tabitha Haynes in PSU 405 by July 29th. After those tickets have been returned to the Springfield Cardinals office, the new tickets will be issued and you will be contacted for pick-up. You must have your original tickets to exchange.
If you purchased tickets for the June game but are unable to attend the August 29th game, you can exchange your tickets for another game of your choice by returning your tickets to the Springfield Cardinals Ticket Office.
If you would like to purchase tickets for the August 29th game, please bring a check to Konya or Tabitha by July 29th. Tickets are $6 and checks should be made payable to the Springfield Cardinals.
Missouri State University Super Singers
Do you like/love to sing? Can you “carry a tune in a bucket?” Have you been told by more than ten people (non relatives) that you have a great singing voice? (This is VERY important! If you are not sure, just turn to a co-worker and start singing right now.) Are you comfortable singing in front of large groups? Ar you willing and able to attend rehearsals a few times a year?
If you answered “yes” to ALL of these questions, please contact Peggy Preston at 6-4645 or peggypreston@missouristate.edu to join the Super Singers. The Super Singers are a group of approximately 17 faculty and staff who will perform at various University events throughout the year. They may even throw in a little holiday caroling!
Residence Life and Services House Calls
Time to meet the neighbors! The Residence Hall House Calls program is designed to reach out to resident students and give them an opportunity to interact with faculty members and administrators on a more personal level. Volunteer faculty and staff members visit each room in the residence halls and provide information about additional resources at the university, help students feel welcome on campus, and create connections with students.
When: September 1, 2010
Where: Plaster Student Union, Ballroom East
Time: 5:15pm-6:00pm (hors d’oeuvres provided) and 6:00pm-8:00pm Head to Residence Halls
The House Calls program is in its fifth year and relies on the support of faculty and staff volunteers to continue to make the program successful. For more information or to volunteer your time to the program call (417) 836-4987 or e-mail House Calls.
Tobacco Free Campus
Missouri State University strives to ensure a healthy learning and working environment by promoting a culture of health and wellness. Beginning August 15, 2010, Missouri State University will take the first step toward becoming a tobacco free campus. To learn more about the policy, designated smoking areas and programs to help you become tobacco free, go to www.missouristate.edu/tobaccofree.
Senator Spotlight
Introducing….Michael Frizell
Michael currently serves as the Director of the Writing Center, located in the Bear CLAW Center for Learning and Writing. Now in his fifth year as director of the Writing Center, Michael provides programming for classes, departments, and organizations on all aspects of writing and study skills. See the Writing Center’s website (http://writingcenter.missouristate.edu) for more information.
He is also the Director of the Supplemental Instruction Program. SI is designed to assist students in classes where the D, F, or Withdrawal rate is at or around 30%. The program started small, supporting ten courses in the spring of 2009, but has ballooned into a potential seventy courses for fall 2010. For a full list, visit the SI website (http://si.missouristate.edu).
In addition, he is Director of the In-School Players. In-School Players are a small cast of Missouri State University students who travel the local elementary school and Springfield Public Library circuit to bring live theater performances to children. Created in the fall of 1984, the cast consists of six to eight members who present 40 to 60 performances of stories, poems, and music per school year. It is estimated that the In-School Players Touring Group has entertained over 500,000 children since it was formed. The group claims to be able to perform anywhere such as classrooms, libraries, and playgrounds, and offers Tuesday and Thursday performances.
Michael received his bachelor’s degree in 1991 from The College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Missouri. While there, he performed in over forty productions as well as working in Branson, Missouri, as an actor in The Shepherd of the Hills, Silver Dollar City and Ride the Ducks. He completed his master’s degree in theatre from Southwest Missouri State University in 1996 and his master’s degree in English and Creative Writing in 2001 from Missouri State University. He was hired as a lecturer in the Collegiate Reading and Learning department in 2000 and also taught courses in the Public Affairs department. In 2005, he became a staff member when he was named Director of the Writing Center at Missouri State University.
In his spare time, he is a frequent performer at the Lander’s Theatre, the main stage at Springfield Little Theatre, and has appeared in local commercials. He also dabbles in publishing creative non-fiction. He and his son, Tristan, a student at Missouri State University, reside in Springfield, Missouri.
Staff Senate Initiatives
Staff Senate committees are currently working on the following initiatives:
- Sick Day Leave Bank – Lenord McGownd, Chair
- Recreation Center Staff/Faculty Fee – Erin Parrish, Chair
If you would like to serve on one of these committees, please contact the committee chairperson for more information.
Get Involved with Staff Senate
As an advocacy group for staff, we are at our best when people like you contribute your knowledge and expertise to the mission of our group. All University staff are invited to attend Staff Senate meetings and serve on committees.Staff Senate meetings are on the first Thursday of the month in PSU 313 at 1:30pm. Be sure to check out the Staff Senate website for meeting agendas and minutes, committee information, and other helpful resources. If you have questions or would like more information about Staff Senate, any of our senators would be happy to help!
Announcements and Reminders
- The August 5th Staff Senate meeting has been moved to 11:00am.
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