Staff Senate is now accepting nominations for the term beginning July 2013. Those elected will have the chance to serve Missouri State University for a three year term by advocating for continuous personal and professional development improvements by initiating or assisting in programs and changes that benefit staff.
Our responsibility to Missouri State University includes, but is not limited to: reviewing policies/procedures and offering recommendations regarding the interests of staff and non-faculty employees; assisting in the communication of issues and activities affecting staff members; serving as a liaison between the President and staff; promoting participation in the University community; and encouraging a sense of community among all University employees. The University encourages all employees to attend Senate meetings and participate in Senate activities.
Staff Senate is actively engaged in the University’s Public Affairs mission by our involvement in Lee National Denim Day for breast cancer awareness and campus community activities such as Student Move-In Day.
Would you like to get involved by lending your service and expertise to Staff Senate?
If you or someone you’d like to nominate are interested in filling a vacant senator seat and…
- can commit to a three-year senate term,
- are able to attend one meeting each month, and
- are able to serve on at least two Staff Senate committees,
fill out the online nomination form below by April 19, 2013 or contact us for a paper form. Elections will take place after May 1, 2013.
The following Staff Senate seats are available for the 2013-14 Academic Year:
Administrative Unit Seats
Provost Area 1 Seat
Job Family Seats:
Job Family 1 2 seats
Job Family 2 2 seats
Job Family 3 1 seat
Job Family 4 1 seat
For more information about Staff Senate, please visit our web site or contact us at