Take a moment to see what’s going on in the Division of Student Affairs this week.
Multicultural Resource Center Grand Opening – Mark your calendars for the grand opening of the Multicultural Resource Center on October 16th, 12 noon, 1st floor of the Plaster Student Union. Come enjoy refreshments, music and giveaways. https://bit.ly/3lFu7N2
Join LGBTQ+ Heritage Month celebrations this October – Multicultural programs will host live and virtual events throughout October to celebrate LGBTQ+ Heritage Month. Visit https://news.missouristate.edu/2021/09/29/join-lgbtq-heritage-month-celebrations-this-october/ to see the listing of events.
Celebrating 100 Years of Homecoming – Homecoming 2021 will take place on October 16th. There are many activities between October 10th and October 16th. To see the events taking place this week, visit https://alumni.missouristate.edu/homecoming/ and https://www.missouristate.edu/studentengagement/homecoming/. It’s going to be such a fun time at Missouri State!
Wise and Well Health and Benefits Fair – Join Human Resources, Magers Health and Wellness Center and Foster Rec for the Wise and Well Health and Benefits Fair Wednesday, October 13th, 11am – 3pm in the PSU Grand Ballroom. There will be resources, giveaways, prizes and more. HR will be providing info sessions on employee benefits and Magers Health and Wellness will be free flu and COVID vaccinations throughout the event.
Volunteer to Assist with SOAR Leader Selection on Saturday, November 6th – SOAR leaders play a critical role in the University’s retention efforts. These leaders represent the student body and the institution as they help welcome and transition new students and families to Missouri State during orientation. By serving as an evaluator during SOAR Carousel (our annual interview process) on November 6th, you can influence the experience hundreds of new students will have. Learn more here: https://blogs.missouristate.edu/bearsfamilies/2021/10/11/calling-all-missouri-state-faculty-and-staff-volunteer-to-be-a-soar-carousel-evaluator/
Bonus: Please join us for the Upward Bound Director Candidate Interview – Take part in the interview process for Nicholas Horne on Tuesday, October 12th from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in Library 120. He will be outlining his recruitment strategies for hard-to-reach student populations. Review his resume here: https://blogs.missouristate.edu/studentaffairs/files/2021/10/Resume-Nicholas-Horne.pdf