Many people are often confused about the best image dimensions, resolutions and file sizes for various social media sites. Below is a handy reference for when you are creating new or modifying existing avatars and profile pictures on your social media presences.
Facebook profile picture
Can be 200px wide and up to 600px tall. Can have a maximum file size of 4 MB. A square will be selected for the thumbnail, and shown at 50px x 50px. It’s best if the thumbnail can be a simple, recognizable portion of the profile picture where any text is not cut off and easily read (or completely excluded).
YouTube profile picture
This should be 800px x 800px. Be aware that this will be automatically scaled down to 88px x 88px (and used as small as 36px x 36px) within the site. Maximum file size is 2 MB. Text is not advised for these pictures because of the small thumbnail size.
Twitter avatar
Should be 400px x 400px. Will be used at 75px x 75px (or even 48px x 48px) within the site. Maximum file size is 700 KB.
Missouri State blog header image
Our current header image size is 920px x 150px, and in the near future we plan on moving to a size of 940px x 148px. Your header image should not contain the name of the blog or department/program.
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