The Arts & Letters Career Studio + Expo is a conference-style event where students in the College of Arts & Letters can attend panel and workshop presentations; get their resumes reviewed; network with alumni and employers; gather information on career readiness; get help with setting up their Handshake profiles; and have their headshots taken for LinkedIn profile, portfolios, and other documents.
This event is free to students and alumni. Registration through Handshake is encouraged, but not required. The event is Tuesday, September 17, 2019, from 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. in the Plaster Student Union in multiple rooms on the 3rd floor (see Agenda below for room numbers).
This event also includes the Career Center’s COAL Résumé Madness event from 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Résumé Madness is free and open to all COAL students; no registration is required.
The Arts & Letters Career Studio + Expo consists of the following session tracks:
Track 1: Networking
PSU 312
11:00-2:00 Open Networking & Exhibits
Track 2: Panel Presentations
PSU 313 Traywick Room
11:10–12:15 “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda: Advice for students interested in arts professions
- Derrick Docket, Director of Marketing for Wentzville School District
- Jennifer Jester, CEO & Founder of The Creative Infusion Company, Owner of School of Rock Springfield, & MSU Music Instructor
- Kaleb Norman, Outreach Specialist & Education Specialist, Springfield Little Theatre Education
12:40–1:55 “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda: Advice for students interested in letters professions
- Paige Oxendine, Program Coordinator, efactory, Missouri State University’s IDEA Commons
- Trysta Herzog, Chief Relations Officer, Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Bridget Dierks Vice President of Programs, Community Foundation of the Ozarks
- Steve Rucker, Technical Writing Manager, Jack Henry & Associates
Track 3: Mini-Workshops
PSU 315AB (These are short 15–minute presentations on various topics)
11:00–11:15 “Networking” presented by Bridget Dierks, Vice President of Programs, Community Foundation of the Ozarks
11:30–11:45 “The Importance of Internships” presented by Alex Cobb, Chief Human Resource Officer, SeniorAge
12:00–12:15 “Navigating Job Transitions” presented by Trysta Herzog, Chief Relations Officer, Big Brothers Big Sisters
12:30–12:45 “Your Social Media Presence” presented by Derrick Docket, Director of Marketing, Wentzville School District
1:00–1:15 “Making Your Resume Forward-Thinking” presented by John Turner, Senior Instructor, MSU English Department
1:30–1:45 “Top 10 Things to Do When Interviewing” presented by Michelle Moulder, Assistant Federal Defender, Office of the Public Defender
Track 4: Résumé /Portfolio Reviews
PSU 314B
11:00–2:00 Résumé Reviews (COAL Résumé Madness)
Reviewers include Michael Jarvis, Missouri State University; Christina Casey, Penmac; Nicole Edens, Jack Henry & Associates; Gena Flores, Jack Henry & Associates; Career Center staff
PSU 314A
In addition, a photographer will be available for COAL students to get free headshots for their LinkedIn profiles, social media, or other documents.
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