Excellent question. It’s a little unnerving for family members to start the “letting grow” process. This is especially true when it comes to your students grades. For the past 12 years, you saw the grades on report cards, tests that had to be signed, you knew their schedule. You attended parent/teacher conferences which provided insight in to ways you could help your student. You set times for your student to study. You had some control. Now, not so much. It’s understandable that you are worried about this aspect of college. Missouri State is here to help you bridge the gap between knowing everything about grades and trusting your student is in control of their academics.
It’s time for you to have PIE. That’s right, PIE. Not your typical cherry or apple. PIE is the acronym for Partners in Education, a program which aims to help first-year students and their families build a relationship of trust and communication, with the goal of improving students’ academic success and retention. When your student enrolls in the PIE program, he/she grants a designated partner (usually a parent or family member) authorization to access information regarding his/her academic progress for their first year (only their first year). The partner will also be mailed the student’s mid-term and final grade reports.
Students can enroll by visiting the Partners in Education link on the Academics tab of their My Missouri State portal. Contact the academic assistance office at 417-836-8346 or visit www.missouristate.edu/sdpa/PartnersInEducation.htm to learn more. Please note that only the academic assistance office personnel may release academic information to the partner indicated on the PIE form.
Something to remember…students may withdraw permission to release information to the partner at any time. Also, the PIE Program doesn’t override FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). The release does not apply to personal counseling, health, or financial information protected by FERPA. However, if your student is experiencing problems in these areas, University staff will be happy to assist in identifying available resources.
Encourage your student to learn more about the PIE program. This program is a great bridge between the high school years and your student accepting the responsibility for their academic career. Start the conversation with your student about time-management, open communication with his/her professors, and utilizing academic resources on campus such as the Bear Claw. Let your student know you support him/her as they start this next chapter in their life.