Missouri State is full of different organizations that help make this campus amazing. Without these different organizations, student’s experiences would not be as beneficial. Being involved in an organization helps you develop different interpersonal work skills that will eventually help you when you leave the institution.

Being a part of New Student and Family Programs as a SOAR Leader last year taught me things on the job that I didn’t learn in classrooms. Situations from answering questions for students or family members, setting up events, and facilitating group discussion on serious topics are things that I learned from my experience. Now not everyone will have the same experience that I did in my organization, but if your student finds an organization that sparks their interest, I can almost guarantee they will get something out of it. Getting involved on campus shows a drive to succeed and leave a place better than when you left it.
Ultimately when you go look for a job after college, you are going to want to showcase yourself to employers. If your resume just shows your academic history and no involvement or leadership experiences, they notice. Employers won’t want to know what you did in high school, so it is important to find something at Missouri State to not just put on your resume, but something that will help you find your place at Missouri State. From Residence Life, Student Activities Council and Student Government Association, there are a plethora of ways for your student to make their mark at Missouri State.
(Seth Templeman – Business Administration Major, Data Analytics Minor | New Student and Family Programs, Family Assistant| SOAR Leader 2018 | Theta Chi Fraternity, Brotherhood & Public Relations Chair 2017-2018)