By Dr. Charlene Berquist, Director, and Heather Blades, Associate Director
In light of recent CDC recommendations and Missouri State University policy, we have cancelled our mediation training scheduled for March 25th through March 29th. This decision was very difficult, but necessary given the current situation. It is important to us that we protect the health and safety of everyone at the training and under the circumstances we simply cannot do that.
Training registrants were given the option to receive a full refund or move their registration to our next mediation training date, which will be October 14-18, 2020. Many chose to transfer their registration, and as a result seats in our October training are filling quickly.
To reserve your seat at October’s Mediation Training, register online now.
We want to offer a special note of thanks to the many presenters and coaches who had planned to take part in our March training – your willingness to share your knowledge and expertise is a major part of what makes our training outstanding, and we appreciate all that you do. We look forward to seeing you in October.
Stay well everyone – and please contact us if you have any questions at or 417-836-8831.