Alexis Deane-Downing started at Missouri State as a dentistry student. After taking anatomy, she decided that wasn’t the right fit for her. Next, she tried communications. That wasn’t right either. Her adviser asked her what she liked to do. Deane-Downing said she liked to stay in hotels. The rest is history. Deane-Downing met with Dr. Melissa Dallas, now faculty … [Read more...] about Finding the right fit: Hospitality leadership
Dr. Ridwan Sakidja, professor of physics, recently presented at the Worlds Congress on High Entropy Alloys (HEA 2019) in Seattle, Washington. About the conference High entropy alloys is a newer field that is rapidly expanding. Scientists mix many elements together so it generates unique features that can’t be achieved in conventional materials. “Our work and my talk were … [Read more...] about Professor attends conference, creates research collaboration
Allison Chambers and Hannah Wylie graduate in May 2020. Instead of worrying about the job market and if they will find jobs in their field, they’re getting ready for their careers. What started as a corporate internship experience led to full time jobs—and a (less) stressful senior year. Finding an internship Wylie and Chambers both found their dream internships through … [Read more...] about Prestigious internship leads to full-time jobs
Dr. Matthew Siebert, associate professor of chemistry, recently returned from Berkeley, California. He participated in a prestigious program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). About the project Siebert is a part of the 2019 Sustainable Horizons Institute’s (SHI) Sustainable Research Pathways (SRP) program. The goal of SRP is to connect scientists from … [Read more...] about Chemistry professor travels to California
Dr. Matthew Siebert, associate professor of chemistry, has been appointed an associate to the American Chemical Society (ACS) Committee on Ethics for 2020. With more than 150,000 members in ACS and 22 seats on this committee, the competition was fierce. About the appointment Siebert is already active in ACS. He is the chair of the Ozarks local section and the program chair … [Read more...] about Chemistry professor appointed to national committee