Be kind. Be positive. Be strong. Be safe.
Spring Break is March 12-20.
Seminars & Upcoming Events
Upcoming CNAS Seminars – Check out the CNAS Master Calendar for this week’s seminars – College of Natural and Applied Sciences – Missouri State University
- CHM – 3:35-4:25PM, Wednesday, March 9, via Zoom. By Dr. Meredith Jackrel, Washington University in St. Louis, “Protein misfolding and amyloid disaggregases to counter misfolding”
- PAMS – 4:00-5:00PM, Thursday, March 10 in Kemper 206. By Dr. Corrinne Mills, University of Illinois Chicago, “Baryogenesis, Higgs Bosons, and What’s Next”
Spring 2022 Academic Advisor Forum Series – See attached flyer. There’s a session, Tuesday, March 8.
Recent News from CNAS
Recent news from the college:
- Natural resource scientist dives into how decisions affect wildlife
- Research connecting noise, hearing loss and migraines
- If you would like to see past stories please visit CNAS NewsWatch!
Faculty Review Process
Faculty Annual Review Process 2022 –
- The written evaluation and recommendations is due back to the department head by March 7.
- Faculty Equity requests to department heads are due March 7.
- Department head forwards faculty equity requests with further justification by March 25.
- All faculty evaluations and recommendations from the department head are due to the dean by April 1.
Science Olympiad and OSEF
State Science Olympiad – MSU is hosting the State Science Olympiad this year! If you are interested in helping out – either as an event leader, or as a volunteer – please reach out to Dylan Welker ( and let him know. This is taking place Saturday April 9.
Science Fair Judges (students and faculty are eligible to judge) are needed for the evening of March 29. Those interested in judging should sign up on ZFairs and select the division and category. Senior Division Judging – Junior Division Judging – You will want to create a sign in for ZFairs. There will be a form to sign up for judging. It will ask for your top 3 categories. We will not be having a judge chair this year for categories due to the process of points. Every judge will be inputting scores online for the projects. Each project will get an average score as we have held the fair virtual the past few years. You can put the division you would like in the comment box. Contact Michelle Norgren if you have questions.
Miscellaneous News & Events
CNAS Faculty and Staff Awards – Nominations for the different CNAS faculty and staff awards are due by the first Friday in April (April 1). Awards Policy
Wall of Fame nominations due March 18. Wall of Fame – Alumni Association – Missouri State University
Public Affairs Convocation – April 6, 3:30-4:30PM in PSU Theater featuring Shaun Tomson.
Missouri Academy of Science (58th Annual Meeting) – April 22-23, 2022, Central Methodist University, Fayette, MO. Call for Papers – abstract submissions are due Friday, March 18 at 5PM
Faculty & Staff Free Portrait Days – Dates have been set for 2022
COVID Dashboards
MSU COVID Homepage — Greene County Covid Homepage
March 14-20 | Spring Break – No classes, Offices open |
March 22 | Missouri Junior Academy of Science Competition |
March 29 | MSU @ OTC Day |
March 29-31 | OSEF – Science Fair Judging is March 29, Awards Ceremony is March 31 |
April 9 | State Science Olympiad Competition |
April 14-17 | Spring Holiday – No classes (Offices closed on April 15) |
April 22-23 | Missouri Academy of Science, Central Methodist University |
April 27 | CNAS Faculty/Staff Awards Presentation at noon in PSU313 |
April 30 | Spring Showcase is today! |
May 2 | Einhellig Retirement Reception (3:30-5PM, PSU Ballroom West) |
May 3 | All Faculty Recognition Reception (3:30-5PM) |
May 5 | CNAS Undergraduate Research Day |
May 7 | Einhellig Interdisciplinary Forum – Graduate College |
May 13 | Study Day |
May 14-19 | Finals Week |
May 20 | Commencement (CNAS at 9:00AM) |
June 13 | Summer Session classes and SOAR begins |
August 15 | All faculty and graduate students report back for fall semester |
August 22 | Fall 2022 classes begin today |
- Subscribe to follow CNAS NewsWatch (also available on CNAS homepage)
- Find Dean Jahnke’s past eblasts and subscribe to CNAS Blog.
- Tune in every Thursday morning at 9:45 a.m. for 5-minute STEM Spots on KSMU.