Abby Beaudin, an MSU public relations major, is studying in Milan this semester and is having a blast. While she’s not seeing the sights, she’s enjoying the culture of Italy and learning Italian.
“I absolutely LOVE Milan. It is very different here; I’ve experienced more culture shock than I thought I would,” she wrote.
Despite the differences, her itinerary is already filling up with unforgettable experiences: “I got to go to Nerri Pozza, a famous publishing firm in Milan. Next up is Mediaset TV production to participate in a live audience for a production analysis project. Also with the media class, we get to visit Ogilvy & Mather Milano, MTV Italy production studios and Vogue Italia.”
Beaudin recaps her experience so far as both exciting and overwhelming: “It’s definitely been an exciting, overwhelming, fascinating and maturing adventure for me. I have learned a lot about myself and just about culture in general. I would never discourage someone from studying abroad, but you definitely need to be mentally prepared for it because it tests your mental, emotional and psychological limits.”