XGO Robot Dog Kit is an AI dog micro robot with 12 DOFs (Degree Of Freedom: facilitates bionic movement) designed for artificial intelligence education for teenagers. It supports Omni-movement and is able to perform as a real pet dog. In this session, Dr. Iqbal introduces the participants to the XGO Robot Dog and its components. The participants also learn to teach the Robot dog to follow a light source. In another activity, the participants build upon the radio transmission concepts from micro:bit to make the Robot Dog fetch a bone. Bow Wow!!
Link to the presentation: Robot-Dog-Summer-2023
Link to Makecode: https://makecode.microbit.org/
Link to XGO Robot Dog: https://www.elecfreaks.com/learn-en/microbitKit/microbit-xgo-robot-kit/microbit-xgo-robot-kit-Introduction.html