Super Typhoon Haiya Response Relief in the Philippines The Philippines have been ravaged by a massive Typhoon, affecting many in the area. An early death toll is estimated to be at 10,000 by the United Nations and more than 600,000 are currently displaced. Volunteer Programs will be holding a collaboration meeting for a response effort on Thursday, November 14th at 5:00pm in … [Read more...] about Super Typhoon Haiya Response
The United Nations released a major report last week, finding with more certainty than ever before that humans, chiefly through the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas, are a key cause of the Earth's warmer temperature. What role can the United States play in leading the way on a comprehensive, international approach to addressing global warming? Does the action by the … [Read more...] about Is Global Warming the Planet’s Biggest Problem?
Ann Fuhrman, UN Librarian, United Nations Depository at Meyer Library, Reference & Government Information Department, Missouri State University will be holding a Faculty, Student and Staff Seminar on Wednesday, October 24 at 4:00 p.m. in Strong Hall Room 1 (Lower Level). Topic: The United Nations at 67: Is It Still Relevant? Ann will discuss the United Nations from her … [Read more...] about Learn about the UN on United Nations Day