The Certified Distance Educator certificate is a professional development recognition award. It is open to all instructors at Missouri State University interested in innovation and excellence in distance learning. A minimum of three professional development activities related to distance learning are required to receive this award. An application for a Certified Distance Educator Award is submitted to Missouri State Outreach for review and approval.
Successful applicants are recognized in the Outreach blog and are presented with a Certified Distance Educator Award Certificate. A goodie bag is given out with the certificate as an expression of appreciation for their efforts to improve the quality of Missouri State education through excellence in distance learning.
Ms. Jessica Bennett
Jessica completed her third Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in April 2022.
Associate Professor, Library, with MSU since 2014
Dr. Ching-Wen Chang
Ching-Wen completed her sixth Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in September 2021.
Associate Professor, Reading Foundations and Technology Department, with MSU since 2007
Dr. Susan Dollar
Susan completed her second Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in January 2022.
Professor, School of Social Work, with MSU since 2001
Ms. Karen Eisman
Karen completed her first Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in November 2021.
Academic Administrative Assistant III, Information Technology and Cybersecurity Department, with MSU since 2015
Dr. Kristin Harper
Kristin completed her first Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in November 2021.
Instructor, Modern and Classical Languages Department, with MSU since 2020
Ms. Annice McLean
Annice completed her sixth Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in September 2021.
Senior Instructor, Reading Foundations and Technology Department, with MSU since 2002
Ms. Maggie Morris-Owens
Maggie completed her first Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in September 2021.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, English Department, with MSU since 2020
Ms. Jane Patterson
Jane completed her second Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in February 2022.
Per Course Faculty, Finance and General Business Department, with MSU since 2016
Dr. Melissa Penkalski
Melissa completed her first Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in April 2022.
Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, School of Nursing, with MSU since 2015
Dr. Diane Smith
Diane completed her first Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in February 2022.
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, with MSU since 2020
Ms. Paige Wallace
Paige completed her first Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in December 2021.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, English Department, with MSU since 2020
Dr. Erin Wehrman
Erin completed her fourth Certified Distance Educator Award certificate in February 2022.
Assistant Professor, Communication Department, with MSU since 2017
Photos by: Brenna Davis