Hello and happy spring, fellow bears! As the semester rolls along it’s good to keep in mind how we can be changing our everyday decisions and habits into more sustainable ones. This blog will list a few different products you can purchase to be a more sustainable person, as well as links to where you can find them for a good price.
Many of these products will be linked to Amazon. If you haven’t used it already, keep in mind that students get a free month-long trial of Amazon Prime! It’s very helpful, especially when you’re trying to find different school materials for a cheaper price. In some cases it helps you get free shipping! But also keep in mind that you can find a lot of these items at local stores, Walmart, etc. So if you don’t have or already used your Amazon Prime, don’t sweat it! These items are getting more and more popular, so they’re pretty accessible.
So without further adieu, here are 7 everyday items that can make your life more sustainable
1.) Reusable coffee mugs
You can find reusable coffee mugs almost anywhere, but this is what I use! And don’t forget, if you take your reusable coffee mug to Starbucks in Plaster Student Union, you get a small discount!
2.) Water bottles
Much like the reusable coffee mugs, you can find reusable water bottles almost anywhere; it all just depends on your preferences (how much the bottle carries, what the purpose will be, whether or not you want a built in straw, appearance, etc.). Here is one, and here is another that’s a little different.
3.) Reusable cloth napkins
Why constantly buy napkins and tissues when you can just get cloth napkins to wash and reuse? Here is a pack that you can get for pretty cheap!
4.) Metal Straws
I’ve noticed a lot of people turning down plastic straws at restaurants and instead bringing their own metal straws, and I think that’s a brilliant idea! If you’re like me and don’t want to waste plastic, but also don’t feel completely comfortable with drinking straight from the cup, these straws are a lifesaver!
5.) Shopping bags
Most stores sell reusable shopping bags near the checkout area, but if they don’t, no worries! You can find some here!
6.) Coffee filters
Did you know that reusable coffee filters were a thing? I didn’t until around a year ago when I had to buy a coffee pot for my dorm, and it actually came with one. These are easy to use and cleanup is a breeze! All it really takes is finding one that fits your coffee pot, which isn’t hard. The one I linked is an 8 to 12 cup basket.
7.) Reusable sandwich wraps
Since it’s spring, we’re all going to be spending a lot more time outdoors. If you plan on going on any picnics or day trips, don’t waste time on finding cling wrap or plastic bags. Instead, save time, money, and your carbon footprint by getting these reusable sandwich wraps!