What does professional networking mean? Many people think it’s only for job seekers, but networking—which basically means developing relationships—is an important skill to learn as we begin developing our professional life. This includes planning and learning about careers, gaining experience in our chosen careers, and searching for permanent positions. People who are most successful in finding jobs tend to use their network to gain more connections and advice.
Those connections we make in the early stages of networking may be the same connections we maintain throughout our careers. Plus, those early connections may lead to more and more connections, and thus our network expands. Therefore, networking is an important skill to use throughout our professional life. Our network contacts may help guide, advise, and mentor us. In turn, we can then help others.
On Wednesday, April 27, Speed Networking EVENT will teach participants how to network, explain the benefits of networking, and give participants the opportunity to practice networking.
Co-sponsored by the Career Center and Alumni Association, the Speed Networking Event enables students and alumni to meet and learn from approximately 50 networking mentors, comprised of alumni and local professionals from a variety of career fields. Along with speed rounds, there will be open networking and free food.
When attending this event or any other networking event, present yourself in a professional manner: dress professionally or, at the very least, wear business casual. This might involve wearing a suit (and tie), or dress slacks with professional shirt, or khakis with a nice polo; women may also wear a professional suit, skirt, or dress.
This event is free, but registration through JobTracks is required. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn and practice your networking skills.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Plaster Student Union Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, April 20
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