Keith Ekstam, an MSU art and design professor, is one of seven artists whose works will be featured in the Springfield Art Museum’s exhibit, “The Wood-Fired Kiln: A Catalyst for Collaboration.”
The exhibit features work created using wood-firing kiln and showcases various wood-firing techniques. The museum is hosting an opening reception at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 4.
International artists showcase diverse objects
Ekstam teaches a variety of ceramics classes. The other exhibition artists come from around the world, from Missouri to Denmark. Many have worked together on various projects.
Museum Director Nick Nelson said the objects in the exhibit incorporate disparate materials and range from functional to sculptural.
“On the surface, these artists and objects may not seem like they belong together, but they’ve all been subjected to this crucible-like experience,” he said. “What emerges from the kiln is unified by the process; there is a sense of warmth and community in what has been created. I cannot think of a better message to impart during this particularly divisive time in our history.”
Visit the exhibit
Dates: Nov. 5 – March 5, 2017
Admission: Free, open to the public
Location: Springfield Art Museum, 1111 E. Brookside Drive.
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