University Ambassadors are a diverse group of high-achieving students that promote a positive image of Missouri State through campus tours, large recruitment events, and other university-related activities. Involvement in University Ambassadors requires that members are full-time students with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 each semester, are eligible for employment by the … [Read more...] about Leadership Opportunity – Apply to be a University Ambassador
Exams, quizzes, term papers, and presentations are all common forms of mid-semester course assessment. Mid-semester can be a challenging time for all students, particularly for first-generation students, as they may not be as familiar with follow up strategies to improve in a course if they are struggling. By this point in the semester, students may have taken one to two … [Read more...] about It’s After Midterms—Now What? – Strategies for First-Generation College Student Success
Take a moment to get to know Anna Pellegrini, 2020-2021 Orientation Assistant. Tell us about yourself. Hello! My name is Anna Pellegrini, and I am a senior from Chicago, IL. I am majoring in Organizational Communication with minors in Psychology and Leadership. I am hoping to attend grad school in fall 2021 and start a master's degree in Student Affairs in Higher Education. … [Read more...] about Student Spotlight – Anna Pellegrini, 2020-2021 Orientation Assistant
Take a moment to get to know Michael Chapman, 2020-2021 SOAR Student Assistant. Hello! My name is Michael Chapman, and I am a junior Intercultural Communication major with minors in Diversity Studies and Psychology and I am from Liberty, Missouri which is right outside of Kansas City. Why do you think it’s important for student’s to get involved on campus? One of the key … [Read more...] about Student Spotlight – Michael Chapman, 2020-2021 Orientation Assistant
Orientation & Transition Programs is preparing for next summer's SOAR sessions. (Yes, already!) A key to our success is selecting strong students to serve as orientation leaders. As a former orientation leader, I found the experience to be valuable and fulfilling. Here are five reasons I would encourage your student to apply to be a SOAR leader. Building skills As … [Read more...] about Encourage your student to become a SOAR leader!