Computer Services has many training opportunities to support faculty as you utilize the Blackboard Learning Management System.
Calendar of Events:
See our Upcoming Events schedule for dates of in-person classes.
Video Training Course Library: Computer Services also offers a library of online video courses you can take anywhere and at any time. The Video Training Course Library can be found under the Community tab in Blackboard in the Learning Management System Resources for Faculty organization. This is a convenient option for those who may not be able to attend an in-person training, or for those who prefer to go through the material at their own pace.
‘Ask the Experts’ Blackboard Open Sessions: Computer Services holds ‘Ask the Experts’ Blackboard Open Sessions every Friday afternoons, both in-person and virtually. No registration needed. Just come by the Meyer Library 205 Technology Training Center, or click this link to join our virtual classroom any Friday between the hours of 1:30 – 4:30pm.
Blackboard Black Belt Series courses count toward your Blackboard Black Belt and Certified Distance Educator Award.
And if you’re interested in a customized Blackboard training for your group, office, or department, we’re more than happy to arrange a session. Just email HelpDesk@MissouriState.edu and we’ll get in touch to arrange a session specific to your Blackboard usage needs.