Media, journalism and film professor Jaime Bihlmeyer has been published in one of the oldest literary peer-review journals in the world, “Moderna språk.” His article reviews the book, “Dwelling in Language: Character, Psychoanalysis and Literary Consolations,” by Margret Gunnarsdottir Champion. Bihlmeyer’s review The book, according to … [Read more...] about Esteemed magazine publishes professor’s review
For Missouri State University English professor Dr. Jane Hoogestraat, home is not just where the heart is. It’s also the motivation behind her award-winning book of poetry. In December, Hoogestraat released “Border States,” a 72-page poetry collection that was inspired by her experiences growing up in rural South Dakota. The book was published as a […] … [Read more...] about English professor wins prize for poetry collection
How can we become more inclusive in our communities? Dr. Stephanie Norander and Dr. Gloria Galanes, researchers and professors of communication at Missouri State University, studied efforts in Springfield, Missouri to become a more diverse and inclusive community to answer this question. They found that engaging and embracing racial differences through ongoing dialogue are … [Read more...] about Talk the talk: using open dialogue to create more inclusive communities
Research conducted by the communication department’s Drs. Stephanie Norander and Gloria Galanes is receiving high accolades in the communication studies field. Their article on race and community dialogue has been chosen as lead research article for the Journal of Applied Communication Research (JACR), one of the most selective and prestigious publications in the field. About … [Read more...] about Professors’ research chosen as lead article in esteemed communication journal
Drs. John Bourhis and Isabelle Bauman coauthored a chapter for the book, “Managing Interpersonal Conflict: Advances Through Meta-Analysis.” … [Read more...] about Communication professors contribute to book on interpersonal conflict